歌劇魅影2愛無止盡 中英文字幕
- 題名: Love never dies
- 作者: Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 1948-
- 其他作者:
- 其他題名:
- Andrew Lloyd Webber's
- 歌劇魅影2 - 愛無止盡.
- 出版: Taiwan : Waylen c2011.
- 主題: Phantom of the Opera (Fictitious character)--Drama.--Drama. , Sopranos (Singers)--Drama. , Musicals.
- URL:
- 版本:Widescreen.
- 一般註:DV04435 為藍光版 Blu-ray Disc ; 1080p ; 中英德法西文字幕. Bonus feature: The making of Andrew LLoyd Webber's Love never dies. The sequel to 'The Phantom of the Opera' "Filmed at Melbourne's iconic Regent Theatre."--back cover.
- 製作群註:Directed by Brett Sullivan, music by Andrew LLoyd Webber, lyrics by Glenn Slater.
- 演出者註:Anna O'Byrne, Ben Lewis, Maria Mercedes, Sharon Millerchip, Simon Gleeson.
- 適用對象註:Anna O'Byrne, Ben Lewis, Maria Mercedes, Sharon Millerchip, Simon Gleeson.
- 系統號: 005111315 | 機讀編目格式
摘自 博客來DVD館網站
當「魅影」從巴黎歌劇院神秘消失,全球數億觀眾都在揣測故事的後續會如何發展? 2010年,百老匯之神安德烈洛依韋伯終於向世人揭曉答案,破天荒推出「歌劇魅影」續篇【愛無止盡 LOVE NEVER DIES】,創下了歷史上首部音樂劇續集的空前紀錄。
故事從魅影神秘消失的十年後揭開序幕。他選擇在大西洋對岸紐約的科尼島(Coney Island)落腳,讓洋溢著歡笑的遊樂場抹上了鬼魅的陰影。克莉絲汀在不知情的狀況下受邀至科尼島演出,當她與丈夫勞爾及兒子古斯塔來到紐約後,才發現誘使她來到科尼島的匿名經理的真實身份…
Andrew Lloyd Webber's long awaited new show 'Love Never Dies' continues the story of 'The Phantom', who has moved from his lair in the Paris Opera House to haunt the fairgrounds of Coney Island, far across the Atlantic. Set 10 years after the mysterious disappearance of 'The Phantom' from Paris, this show is a rollercoaster ride of obsession and intrigue in which music and memory can play cruel tricks, and 'The Phantom' sets out to prove that, indeed, "Love Never Dies".