

但願人長久 = May everybody enjoy longevity / 胡松華

  • 作者: 胡松華 (Hu, Songhua), 1932-
  • 其他作者:
  • 其他題名:
    • 贊歌.
    • Song of praise.
    • 琴聲回蕩.
    • Resounding music.
    • 格桑拉.
    • Gelasang.
    • 銀色的月光.
    • Silvery moon beams.
    • 美好的家鄉.
    • Good and desirable hometown.
    • 比帕爾.
    • Bipaer.
    • 金杯獻給祖國.
    • Presenting the gold cup to the motherland.
    • 可愛的家鄉, 美麗的草原.
    • Lovely hometown and beautiful grasslands.
    • 當我走過潔白的毯房.
    • When I pass the spotlessly white yurt.
    • 婚禮之歌.
    • Wedding song.
    • 草原夜歌.
    • Noctunal song resounding across the grasslands.
    • 森林水車
    • Forest waterwheel.
    • 駝鈴.
    • Camel bell.
    • 祖國啊!母親.
    • Motherland, my dear mother.
    • 新雪.
    • First snowfall.
    • 小鴨子和罌粟花.
    • Ducklings and poppy flowers.
    • 賣木瓜.
    • Selling papayas.
    • May everybody enjoy longevity.
  • 出版: 中國 : 中國唱片廣州公司 1996.
  • URL: https://serv.npac-ntch.org/CD/9A/C009254.jpg
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 005011853 | 機讀編目格式



赞歌 Song of praise .-- 但愿人长久 May everybody enjoy longevity .-- 琴声回荡 Resounding music .-- 格桑拉 Gelasang .-- 银色的月光 Silvery moon beams .-- 美好的家乡 A Good and desirable hometown .-- 比帕尔 Bipaer .-- 金杯献给祖囯 Presenting the gold cup to the motherland .-- 可爱的家乡,美丽的草原 Lovely hometown and beautiful grasslands .-- 当我走过洁白的毡房 When I pass the spotlessly white yurt .-- 婚礼之歌 The Wedding song .-- 草原夜歌 A Noctunal song resounding across the grasslands .-- 森林水车 The Forest waterwheel .-- 驼鈴 The Camel bell .-- 祖国啊!母亲 Motherland, my dear mother -- 新雪 The First snowfall .-- 小鸭子和罂粟花 Ducklings and poppy flowers .-- 卖木瓜 Selling papayas.
