

Le rail = Railways.



Trains travelling at high speed. High speed train (French TGV) passing close by ; High speed train (TGV) passing in the distance ; Train passing close by at 70 m.p.h., boogies on points, final wind effect ; Train passing over points at 60 m.p.h. ; Passenger train (French Corail), diesel engines, widely-spaced rails ; Announcement and train passing at speed, sound of siren ; Night express passing - Turbotrains. Passing at full speed ; Dialogue between sirens of a turbotrain and a stationary engine - Railcars. Short, violent passage of railcar, siren ; Railcar passing with wind effect ; Railcar passing, widely-spaced rails - Trains passing in the distance. Train at top speed with sound of siren, just over half a mile away ; Train passing at night, over a mile away ; Train passing in the far distance on a windy day ; Train going over a metal viaduct, sirens - Trains travelling slowly. Local train nearby ; Two commuter trains passing each other ; Diesel commuter train passing ; Commuter train passing slowly - Goods train. Goods train passing close by at 45 m.p.h., diesel engine ; Goods train passing at 30 m.p.h., engine gathering speed ; Light engine and wagons passing slowly ; Long goods train passing close by at 20 m.p.h., siren ; Diesel locmotive and three wagons going over points ; Train passing quickly, change in rhythm boogies ; Engine on its own going in opposite direction - Uncoupled engines. Electric light engine ; Electric engine in the distance - Level crossing. Leval crossing, warning, train passing - Arrivals and departures. Railcar arriving at a country station ; Stationmaster's whistle, the railcar leaving ; Arrival of a local train, the level crossing gate is raised ; High speed train (TGV) : arriving at station, screeching of brakes ; Commuter train, diesel engine : arriving at station ; Train leaving, passing close by ; Diesel engine close by : train leaving, wagons gathering speed ; Electric engine : starting up and pulling out of station ; Railcar ready to leave ; Second railcar pulls in slowly, short blast of horn ; Arrival of main line train, announcement "Paris Nord" - Station atmosphere. Atmosphere in main line station, near TGV engine warming up, distant announcement ; General atmosphere in main line station, announcement amidst the hubbub ; Departure announcement, continuous ringing, stationmaster's whistle ; Personal announcement ; Atmosphere in main line station : passengers arriving, near ticket-punching machines ; Electric luggage trolley going by ; Refreshments trolley going by, station atmosphere ; Atmosphere in main line station, near depature board - Inside the train. High speed train (TGV) : inside, at full speed ; Express train : going over points at top speed ; Double-decker commuter train : at top speed in a tunnel ; In the corridor : compartment door opening ; Train travelling at top speed : opening the airlock, change of atmosphere ; Train travelling slowly : passengers moving about, automatic doors ; Creaking, doors of airlock and vestibule being opened ; Travelling slowly through a short tunnel, then acceleration ; Acceleration from 55 m.p.h. to full speed ; Acceleration, from slow speed to full speed, passing a train going in the opposite direction ; Inside the luggage van, at top speed ; In the toilet - Arrivals and departures heard from inside. High speed train (TGV) : braking, announcement in the train, coming to a standstill ; Passenger train (Corail) : slowing down and coming to a standstill ; Passener train (Corail) : departure ; Departure in the vestibule, creaking, going over points ; Regional train slowing down, two bells, braking ; Pulling in to the station, hand trolley going by, distant announcement ; Departure signals, automatic doors closing, gathering speed - RER (Regional Express Network). Arrival and departure in RER station ; Inside the carriage, departure and arrival ; At the entrance to a tunnel, two trains going through at top speed ; Going over the points, crackling of electric wires ; From the outside : slowing down between two stations - The Paris underground. Two trains passing each other at a station, atmosphere on the platform ; In a compartment, leaving and arriving ; Elevated railway train going by ; Machines for punching the tickets ; Escalator in the underground - Tram. Arrival and imminent departure - Steam trains. Pacific 231 at a standstill, pumps, jets of steam ; Blast on whistle, leaving the shed ; Announcement : "Dégagez les voies--" (Clear the line--) ; Train pulling in to station ; Train braking and coming to a complete standstill ; Departure announcement, doors being closed, crowd atmosphere ; Blast on whistle, wagons passing ; The train moves off, whistle in the distance ; Departure, gathering speed, whistle ; Going by at top speed ; Horn of railcar on it's own ; Dialogue between Pacific 231 and railcar - Steam trains on narrow-gauge line. Locomotive alone : whistle and bell ; Whistle and train passing swiftly ; Whistle, passage of locomotive and trucks ; Level crossing, whistle, entering a tunnel ; Train going up an incline ; In the locomotive, stoking the firebox ; Trucks pushed by a small diesel light railway motor tractor - In the cab. In the cab, departure, passing another train, siren, cab clock ; In the cab, slowing down, coming into station ; In the cab, siren, window half-open, at full speed - Control posts. Atmosphere of intercoms in the post controlling wagons on the hump ; Communications in the main control tower ; Announcements to the workmen for splitting the train - Shunting operations. Screeching brakes, diesel locomotive ; Very close to the buffers, reversing diesel locomotive, announcement ; Uncoupling : pneumatic brakes on the ground ; Wagons passing close by, various screechings and gratings ; Wagons being stopped manually with metal shoes ; Electric engine starting up ; Trying out the brakes of a light engine ; Levers for changing points manually ; Workmen on the ballast : fork and broom ; Manual horn used by men working on the track.
