

Steam railway sound effects.



Presents the sounds of steam locomotives at work on many different duties, by day and night, at various locations on British Railways.


A Down Express Passenger Train, Followed By An Up Express Passenger Train, Passing In Open Country -- A Local Passenger Train Starting Out From A Country Station -- An Express Passenger Train Passing, Fast, In Open Country -- An Express Passenger Train Accelerating After A Signal Arm Changes -- A Local Passenger Train Passing By In Open Country -- An Express Passenger Train Climbing A Steep Gradient -- Passenger Trains Near The Summit Of A Climb From Both Directions -- Passenger Trains At The Entrance To A Tunnel -- At A Country Station, Passenger And Freight Trains Passing And A Local Passenger -- An Express Passenger Train Accelerating After Leaving A Station -- A Freight Train Slowly Approaching A Marshalling Yard -- A Variety Of Locomotives At Work In A Large, Busy Marshalling Yard, With Loose Coupled Wagons -- A Loose Coupled Freight Train Starting -- A Journey On Board An Express Passenger Train -- At A Large Main Line Station; A Typically Busy Terminus -- Locomotives Moving To And From The Loco. Sheds -- A Journey On The Footplate Of A Locomotive Hauling A Passenger Train -- Inside A Large Signal Box At A Busy Line Station -- Inside A Signal Box At A Country Station -- Passenger And Freight Trains Passing And Leaving A Station On A Main Line -- Passenger Trains Arriving At, Leaving And Passing A Large Station/An Important Junction.
