

Gershwin, Porgy & Bess : highlights /



Act I. Introduction (4:21) ; Summertime (3:09) ; Give him to me/Lissen to yo' daddy warn you/A woman is a sometime thing (3:35) ; My man's gone now (3:59) ; How de saucer stan' now, my sister? (2:04) ; Oh, the train is at the station (4:06) -- Act II. Oh, I'm agoin' out to the Blackfish banks (3:27) ; Mus' be you mens forgot about de picnic/Oh I got plenty o' nuttin' (3:26) ; Lissen there, what I tells you/I hates yo' struttin' style (2:28) ; Buzzard keep on flyin' over (3:04) ; Honey, we sure goin' strut our stuff today!/Bess, you is my woman now (6:14) ; Oh, I can't sit down (4:14) ; It ain't necessarily so/Shame on all you sinners (6:00) ; Oh, what you want wid Bess? (4:13) ; A red-headed woman make a choo-choo jump its track (2:21) -- Act III. Listen, there's a boat dat's leavin' soon for New York (4:21) ; Dem white folks sure ain't put nuttin' over on this baby (4:01) ; Here Mingo, what's de matter wid you all? (1:41) ; Where's Bess? (3:12) ; Bess is gone (1:49) ; Oh Lawd, I'm on my way (1:34).
