


  • 題名: Britten's Endgame / A Crux production for BBC Television ; Distributed by Crux Productions ; artwork [by] Decca Music Group Limited ; written, narrated, and directed by John Bridcut.
  • 其他作者:
  • 其他題名:
    • Benjamin Britten's final years
    • 布烈頓的終唱.
  • 出版: London, England : BBC Worldwide :Crux Productions Limited ©2013
  • 主題: Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. , Composers.--Great Britain--Biography.--Biography.
  • URL: https://serv.npac-ntch.org/DVD/4B/DV04985.htm
  • 一般註:DV04985為公播版 DVD ; 全區 ; 16:9.
  • 製作群註:Producer and director, John Bridcut ; director of photography, Jonathan Partridge ; additional cameras, Vaughan Matthews, Dirk Nel ; jib operator, Daniel Boase ; orchestral lighting, Chris Dowling ; documentary sound, Paul Paragon, Patrick Boland, Rashad Omar ; orchestral sound, Mike Hatch ; orchestral music producer, Nicholas Parker ; dubbing mixer, Rowan Jennings ; online editor, Dominic McMahon ; colourist, Michael Sanders ; location research, Anna-Maria Rocca ; production co-ordinator, Faith Harris ; production manager, Alexandra Bridcut ; assistant producer, Car Dixon ; BBC commissioning editor, Greg Sanderson ; executive producer, Emma Tutty ; film editor, Samuel Rodriguez Santana.
  • 演出者註:Various artists.
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 005121553 | 機讀編目格式


摘自 博客來DVD館 網站
英國作曲家布烈頓在生命的晚年從公開場合消失,重新獻身作曲到廢寢忘食乃至病入膏肓,而撒手人寰……。本DVD由作家兼導演的約翰‧布里卡(John Bridcut)執掌,這是他繼2004年廣受好評的《布烈頓的男孩》(Britten’s Children)之後第二步探索布烈頓的紀錄片。甫於2013年11月14日BBC第四頻道播出,記錄並探索了布烈頓最後十年的創作與生命。
布烈頓的助理柯林‧馬休斯(Colin Matthews)、史內普發酵場音樂廳(Snape Maltings Concert Hall)設計師德瑞克‧撒格登(Derek Sugden)、蘇‧菲普絲(Sue Phipps)、莉塔‧湯姆森(Rita Thomson)等人一一娓娓道來布氏不為人知的軼聞,對於布烈頓一手創辦的愛德堡音樂節(Aldeburgh Festival)的樂迷們,應是不小的安慰和歡喜。此外尚包括幾位和布烈頓交情匪淺、對他個人內涵與創作風格影響深遠的伯樂們,連同約翰‧雪莉–夸克(John Shirley-Quirke)和珍娜‧貝克夫人(Dame Janet Baker)極為珍貴和富娛樂效果的回憶。而男高音約翰‧葛蘭–霍爾(John Graham-Hall)擔綱主角艾森巴赫(Aschenbach)的精華片段之棚內部分演出的剪輯亦收錄其中。


As he withdrew from the public eye in his later years, Britten re-dedicated himself to composition with an intensity that defied his failing health. Featuring contributions from a host of friends and collaborators, John Bridcut's documentary examines the autobiographical impulses behind masterpieces including Death in Venice and the Third String Quartet, tells the inside story of Britten's battle with heart disease and reveals his "late period" as one of the twentieth century's bravest artistic achievements.
