

Night Sessions Live in Concert

  • 題名: Night sessions : live in concert / Chris Botti and friends.
  • 其他作者:
  • 其他題名:
    • 克里斯伯堤 午夜時刻演唱會實況
    • Lisa
    • Streets ahead
    • Miami overnight
    • In the wee small hours
    • All would envy
    • Alone in the city
    • Regrooveable
    • Easter parade
    • Why not
    • Facts about Jimmy
    • Steps of Positano
    • Moon over Bourbon Street
    • Blue Horizon
  • 出版: New York City : Columbia Music Video 2002.
  • 主題: Jazz--2001-2010.
  • URL: https://serv.npac-ntch.org/DVD/5A/DV05063.htm
  • ISBN: 0738902535 、 9780738902531
  • 一般註:Special features include: an interview, video profile, and photo gallery.
  • 製作群註:Produced and directed by Michael Drumm.
  • 演出者註:Chris Botti (trumpet) ; Shane Fontayne (guitar) ; Harvey Jones (keyboards) ; Jon Ossman (bass) ; Karen Teperberg (drums) ; Everett Bradley (percussion) ; Jason Rebello (keyboards) ; Sting (vocals) ; Shawn Colvin (vocals).
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 005122467 | 機讀編目格式


摘自 博客來DVD館 網站
Chris Botti,小號手,人年輕音樂資歷卻已十分豐富。十歲開始演奏,高中時開始職業生涯;生涯早期曾與薩克斯風手George Coleman、小號手Woody Shaw等爵士樂傳奇人物合作。這些人的音樂常劍走偏鋒,Botti在這段期間的收獲反映在他演奏時不溫不火的聲調與天馬行空的創意。隨後Botti轉戰流行音樂圈。受過爵士樂的洗禮,Botti不甘生涯僅止於泡泡糖般的流行聲響,合作的對像均為「言之有物」的流行樂壇大將;如巴布迪倫Bob Dylan、艾瑞莎法蘭克林Aretha Franklin、保羅賽門Paul Simon與史汀Sting等角色。從他曾合作過的對像,聽者即使還不認識他,也應可以從中建立起某種「信任」,因為Chris Botti不像是會隨便玩音樂的泛泛之輩。
此張專輯為Chris加盟新力的首張專輯,收錄Sting創作,葛萊美獎得主夏恩柯文Shawn Colvin跨刀合作All Would Envy,一張千萬不能錯過的爵士專輯。


"On December 3, 2001, acclaimed trumpeter Chris Botti and his band took the stage at the Historic El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles for an evening of evocative & sensual music"--Amazon.com website.


Lisa -- Streets ahead -- Miami overnight -- In the wee small hours -- All would envy -- Alone in the city -- Regrooveable -- Easter parade -- Why not -- The facts about Jimmy -- Steps of Positano -- Moon over Bourbon Street -- Blue Horizon.

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