

Vladimir Horowitz The Video Collection, Vol. 1The Last Romantic全區 ; 德法文字幕


摘自 博客來DVD館 網站
這套「霍洛維茲影音大全集」收錄了大師於Sony Classical的所有影音記錄,包括四場音樂會實況與兩支珍貴的大師紀錄片。這四場音樂會都是霍洛維茲演奏生命發光發熱的最重要時刻,包含1982年於倫敦皇家慶典音樂廳的演出,一場爐火純青的大師名演;當然還有絕不容錯過的1986年「霍洛維茲在莫斯科」歷史名演;以及晚年最後巡迴演出中,於維也納金色愛樂廳的一場珍貴記錄;再加上與指揮大師朱利尼合作的莫札特第23號鋼琴協奏曲,儘是鋼琴史上的經典演出。
DVD 1 「霍洛維茲—最後的浪漫」是由大師親自嚴選曲目的珍貴記錄,其拍攝過程比錄製任何一張專輯更加艱鉅,1985年已高齡82歲的霍洛維茲從巴哈到史克里亞賓、從蕭邦到拉赫曼尼諾夫,再三反覆的演奏錄製只為追求完美,鏡頭精準拍攝到大師彈琴的雙手,這是在聆聽CD時無法體驗的神奇時刻。另一張「追憶往昔」帶我們認識霍洛維茲夫婦的歷史時刻,並收錄大師演奏多首讓世人迷醉的鋼琴小品。在如今炫技鋼琴家如過江之鯽的21世紀,回首霍洛維茲的這些演出影像,我們終於能深刻體會大師之所以為大師,不單只有演奏技巧,而是徹底獻身藝術的鋼琴魂。


Vladimir Horowitz's standard-setting virtuosity and boundless imagination resonate throughout a remarkable collection of films gathered together fro the first time on DVD. It includes the first London and Vienna recitals Horowitz gave in decades, along with his celebrated historic return to Moscow after more than sixty years' absence. The last Romantic features Horowitz in his New York home, playing and speaking about Liszt, Chopin, Schumann, Scriabin and Rachmaninoff--all composers with whom he had a lifelong affinity. By contrast, a behind-the-scenes documentary of Horowitz's only Mozart concerto recording conveys the veteran pianist's palpable joy and freshness of approach in rediscovering this composer late in life. Vladimir Horowitz--a reminiscence interweaves rare footage from concerts, interviews and private archives into a loving, insighful portrait narrated on screen by the pianist's widow, Wanda Toscanini Horowitz--Container.


DVD 1. Vladimir Horowitz : the last Romantic : a home recital and musical discussion with Vladimir Horowitz and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz / a film by Albert Maysles ; David Maysles ; Susan Froemke ; Deborah Dickson ; Patricia Jaffe. Includes performances of: Chorale prelude : Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659 / Bach ; Busoni -- Sonata no. 10 in C major, K. 330 / Mozart -- Impromptu in A-flat major, D 899/4 / Schubert -- Mazurka in A minor, op. 17/4 ; Scherzo no. 1 in B minor, op. 20 ; Polonaise no. 6 in A-flat major, op. 53 : "Heroic" / Chopin -- Consolation in D-flat major, S 172/3 / Liszt -- Prelude in G-sharp minor, op. 32/2 / Rachmaninoff -- Novellette in F major, op. 21/1 / Schumann -- Étude in C-sharp minor, op. 2/1 / Scriabin -- Étude de virtuosité in F major, op. 72/6 / Moszowski.
