

顧爾德的32個極短篇全區 ; 英文字幕


摘自 博客萊DVD館 網站
今年(2012年)是顧爾德80歲冥誕,逝世30周年。加拿大鬼才導演吉哈德(Francois Girard) 20年前拍攝的影片「顧爾德的32個短篇」,絕對是影史上最富巧思、神采飛揚的音樂傳記電影之一。
為什麼是32個短篇呢?原來23歲的顧爾德在1955年選擇當時還是很冷僻的曲目─巴哈的「郭德堡變奏曲」作為灌錄的第一張專輯唱片,卻因超凡的演奏技巧而轟動歐美樂壇。此曲有32個樂段,導演Girard透過詳究信件考證、傳記資料、錄音檔、電話留言、家庭電影、顧爾德畢生為CBS電視台所製作的音樂節目影像等等素材,反以「郭德堡變奏曲」此曲每一個樂段的結構,用紀實、虛擬劇情、動畫的形式,巧妙地轉化成音樂天才顧爾德的32個人生時刻與不同面向:五花八門的藥罐;大熱天戴圍巾與手套;演奏時從不間斷地喃喃自語;讓觀眾凝視他那把反覆修繕、幼時學琴的椅子;對史坦威鋼琴的吹毛求疵;無疾而終的戀情;插入1981年第二灌錄「郭德堡變奏曲」影片導演Bruno Monsaigeon以及小提琴大師曼紐因的訪談;嚮往北極純粹與寧靜;重現1964年4月10日演奏前用熱水把手泡軟,最後一場現場演奏會的時刻….跳躍式地呈現他50年短暫、孤獨而精彩的音樂人生。


Internationally renowned pianist Glenn Gould had all the marks of genius - blinding talent, a craving for perfection and absolute bullheadedness. In Thirty two short films about Glenn Gould, director François Girard goes directly to the center of Gould's ideas, his passions and his music. Using thirty-two elegantly constructed vignettes, which span Gould's life from age four until his untimely death at age fifty, the film achieves the rare balance between play and conceptual rigor. Each of the thirty-two selections dramatizes a variation on the theme of Glenn Gould, depicting the many diverse aspects of his life-from artist to financier, humorist to nature-lover, recluse to iconoclast - and the result is a powerful impressionistic mosaic of genius. Thirty two short films about Glenn Gould opened in 1993 and won four Genie Awards by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television, including Best Picture and Best Director, as well as a special citation at the 1993 Toronto Film Festival.


Lake Simcoe -- Forty-five seconds and a chair --Bruno Monsaingeon : musician and collaborator -- Gould meets Gould / text by Glenn Gould -- Hamburg --Variation in C Minor -- Practice -- The L.A. concert -- CD318 --Yehudi Menuhin : violinist -- Passion according to Gould -- OPUS 1 : a composition by Glenn Gould --Crossed paths -- Truck stop -- The idea of North : a radio documentary / by Glenn Gould -- Solitude --Questions with no answers -- A letter -- Gould meets McLaren : animation / by Norman McLaren -- The tip --Personal ad -- Pills -- Margaret Pacsu : friend --Diary of one day -- Motel Wawa -- Forty-nine -- Jessie Greig : cousin -- Leaving -- Voyager.
