

Chants des peuples de Russie / régions de: Briansk, Toula, Arkhangelsk, Sverdlovsk, Tartarie, Krasnodar, Kharkov. /



Region of Briansk : Je marchais sur les monts (chant de printemps) = I walked across the mountains (spring song) -- Oh, laissez-moi chanter (chant de travail) = Oh, let me sing (work-song) -- Les riches de la mer (chant hivernal) = The riches of the sea (winter song) -- Un chêne sur la montagne (chant nuptial) = An oak-tree on the mountain (wedding song) -- Sur la rivière rapide (chant lyrique) = On the fast-flowing river (lyrical song) Region of Tula : Ne pleure pas, Dariouchka (chant nuptial) = Do not weep, Dariushka (wedding song) -- Un vaste lac devant notre portail (chant nuptial) = A huge lake before our gate (wedding song) -- Le soleil brille sur notre cour (chant nuptial) = The sun shines on our courtyard (wedding song) -- Une araignée rampe sur le coquelicot (chant nuptial) = A spider crawls on the poppy (wedding song) -- Canard, rattrape la cane (chant de jeux printaniers) = Drake, catch the drake (spring play song). Region of Arkhangelsk : Chanson comique = Comic song -- Chanson du chou (chant de jeu) = Song of the cabbage (paly-song) -- Mon mari est allé au labor (chant de jeu) = My husband has gone a-tilling (play-song) -- Le cheval court, la cloche sonne (chant nuptial) = The horse runs, the bell rings (wedding song) -- Mon faucon s'envole (chant lyrique) = My falcon has taken flight (lyrical song) -- Ma colombe (chant lyrique) = My dove (lyrical song) -- Je marche sur l'herbe (chant de ronde) = I walk on the grass (round) -- Qui n'est là, on le regrette (chant lyrique) = One feels sorry for who's not here (lyrical song). Region of Sverdlovsk(Mari people) : Chant nuptial = Wedding song -- Chant de jeu = Play song -- Chant de carnaval = Carnival song -- Chant de conscrit = The conscript's song. Region of Tartary(Mordvines-Karataïs) : Chansons de femmes = Women's songs -- Takmak court = Short takmak -- Takmak long = Long takmak -- Lamentations pour les obsèques de la mère = Lamentation for the funeral of the mother. Région of Krasnodar : Hoï à Jérusalem (chant hivernal) = Hoy! to Jerusalem (winter song) -- Une anguille dans l'eau (chant nuptial) = An eel in the water (wedding song) -- Dans le verger sous le cerisier (chant nuptial) = In the orchard beneath the cherry-tree (wedding song) Région of Kharkov : Chant nuptial = Wedding songs -- J'ai cru que le soleil se levait (chant lyrique) = I thought the sun was rising (lyrical song) -- Dans la rue près de la forge (chant à danser) = In the street near the smithy (dancing song).
