

Finno-Ugrian and Turkic melodies in the Volga-Kama area / selection from the collection of László Vikár and Gábor Bereczki, 1958-1979 / edited by László Vikár.



VOTYAK - Hej, dalol a madar / hey, the bird is singing -- Rozzant az almaskert kapuja / the gate of the apple-orchard is shaky -- Azt mondd, gyerunk, no, gyerunk / say to me, go on, go on -- Ahogy a virag no a reten / as flowers grow in the meadow -- Leterdeltem / I knelt down -- Ahogy a virag no a reten / as flowers grow in the meadow -- Tancdal -- Betertem a hazatokba / I dropped into your home -- Hej, a magas hegy gyomraban / hey, in the bowels of the high mountain -- A fecske sem jarta sotet erdobe miert ment be a kek galamb / why did the blue pigeon enter the dark wood where even the swallow did not invade -- CHEREMIS - Josagos, mindenhato, nagy isten, segits / benevolent, almighty, great god, help us -- Van harisnyam / I have stockings -- Gyerunk, verjunk csipket / let's go, let's make lace -- Anyam engem a kertben szult / my mother bore me in the garden -- Tarka-barka tyukom volt / I had a pied han -- Az Orja vizen at pallot tettem / I laid a plank over the waters of the Orya -- Táncdal -- Temetési dal -- Táncdal / Sijaltos -- A feher kendore rojtot hiaba kotottem / in vain did I tie a tassel on my white kerchief -- Mint egyeves vesszo, olyan volt a testem / my body was like a one year sapling -- Kora hajnalban fulemule hangja hallatszik / early at daybreak the nightingale's voice is heard -- CHUVASH - Keresztszalas, tarka kendo / the cross-banded chequered kerchief -- Két Nyirfa egymas mellett / two birch-trees stand side by side -- A tarka kakukk dalol / the gay-coloured cuckoo is singing -- Gyertek, lanyok, jatszani / come on, girls, let's play -- Lyukas a vodor, mondom / the bucket is leaky-Iam saying -- Ha a berkenyet nezed, hej, nagyon voros / if you look at the rowan-berry, hey, it seems very red -- Szantszandekkal enekelni jottem / decidedly I have come to sing -- Ferjhez megy, vagy nem megy / will she marry, or will she not -- Apam, ne busulj miattam / father, don't be sorry for me -- A mezore mentem, hej, a mezot lattam / I went to the meadow
