

Songs of old Russia / Chants traditionells de l'ancienne Russie = Lieder aus dem alten Russland. /



Polno, vam snejotski = Snow, the time has come (3:56) -- Glukhoï, nevedomoi taigoiu = Through the thick, mysterious Tiaga (4:10) -- Pesn' dvorianskovo polka = Song of the noble regiment (2:32) -- Odnozvuchno gremit kolokolchik = Monotonously rings the little bell (3:47) -- Po dikim stipiam Zabaikalia = On the wild steppes beyond the Baikal (3:54) -- A kak nashi krestiane = See our peasants (1:27) -- Step da step krugom = Nothing but the steppe all around (4:07) -- Gei, slaviane = Hymn of the Slav peoples (1:31) -- Loutsina moya = My little birch torch (3:31) -- Iz-pod tuchuchki veterochki duiut = Behind the clouds the winds have arisen (4:25) -- Nevol'no pomniatsa pokhody = I cannot but think back (1:54) -- Slavnoe more = Spendid sea (4:06) -- Razluka = The separation (3:26) -- Vverkh po Volge = Upstream, on the Volga (4:10) -- Oi, da vy Kubantsy = Glory be to you, Kuban Cossacks (3:32) -- Ekh, huz kak pal tuman = The fog is coming down (3:26) -- Dvenadstat' razboinikov = The twelve brigands (4:33) -- Zhizni tot odin dostoin = He alone deserves to live (2:22) -- Vniz po matushke po Volge = Driving the waves of the Volga (3:13).
