

Gregorian chants for all seasons.



Disc 1: Introit for the 1st Sunday in Advent (mode 8) -- Introit for the 4th Sunday in Advent (mode 4) -- Communion, 3rd Sunday in Advent (mode 7) -- Introit for the 3rd Sunday in Advent (mode 1) -- Offertory for the 4th Sunday in Advent (mode 8) -- Hymn for Christmas vespers (mode 1) -- Introit for the 3rd Christmas mass (mode 7) -- Alleluia of the 3rd Christmas mass (mode 8) -- Communion for the feast of St. Stephen (mode 8) -- Gradual for the feast of the Holy Confessor (mode 2) -- Offertory for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (mode 1) -- Communion for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (mode 6) -- Introit for Sexagesima Sunday (mode 1) -- Tract of Sexagesima Sunday (mode 8) -- Communion for the 2nd Sunday in Lent (mode 5) -- Offertory for Palm Sunday (mode 8) -- Gradual for Maundy Thursday (mode 5) -- Offertory for Maundy Thursday (mode 2). Disc 2: Introit for Easter Day (mode 4) -- Gradual for Easter Day (mode 2) -- Alleluia for Easter Day (mode 7) -- Sequence for Easter Day (mode 1) -- Offertory for Easter Day (mode 4) -- Communion for Easter Day (mode 6) -- Antiphon for Easter Day in praise of Mary (mode 6) -- Introit for Ascension (mode 7) -- Offertory for Ascension (mode 1) -- Introit for Pentecost Sunday (mode 8) -- Sequence for Pentecost Sunday (mode 1) -- Communion for Corpus Christi Day (mode 7) -- Introit for the feast of the Immaculate Conception (mode 3) -- Introit for the feast of Christ the King (mode 3) -- Communion for the feast of Christ the King (mode 6) -- Introit for All Saints' Day (mode 1) -- Offertory for All Saints' Day (mode 1) -- Communion for All Saints' Day (mode 1) -- Introit for All Souls' Day (mode 6) -- Antiphon for burial service (mode 7).
