Russian orthodox vespers. : Vigil for the Feast of St Joseph of Volokolamsk.
- 作者: Russkaia pravoslavnaia tserkov.
- 其他作者:
- 出版: France : Opus 111 1997
- 主題: Vigils (Liturgy) , Byzantine chants. , Vespers (Music)
- 一般註:Program notes and texts in English, French and German inserted. Manuscript from the Monastery of Volokolamsk, deciphered by Maria Bogomolova.
- 演出者註:Russian Patriarchate Choir ; Anatoly Grindenko, conductor.
- 系統號: 005129896 | 機讀編目格式

Opening Blessing -- Invitatory -- Psalm 103 (104) -- Litany -- Psalms 1, 2, 3 -- Psalm for the nocturnal office ; Stikharion : O venerable father -- Glory be to the father ; Stikharion : Exult and rejoice -- Dogmatic hymn -- Stikharion : Come and proclaim blessed -- Verse : Blessed is the man ; Stikharion : On this day, O ye faithful -- Glory be to the father ; Stikharion : Come on this day, choirs of monks -- Troparion to St Joseph -- Troparion to the Mother of God -- Psalm 134 (135) -- Megalynarion : We proclain thee blessed -- Glory be to the father ; Megalynarion -- Antiphon of degrees : Since my youth -- Glory be to the father ; Invocations -- Stikharion : Venerable father Joseph -- Canticle to the Mother of God -- Great doxology -- Troparion to St Joseph.