Johnny Hodges and Wild Bill Davis
- 作者: Hodges, Johnny, 1907-1970. performer composer
- 其他作者:
- Davis, Wild Bill, 1918-1995. performer
- Fisher, Fred, 1875-1942. Peg o' my heart
- Bryan, Alfred, 1871-1958. Peg o' my heart.
- Hodges, Johnny, 1907-1970. Hodge podge
- Ellington, Duke, 1899-1974. Hodge podge
- Ellington, Duke, 1899-1974. Jones
- Freed, Arthur, 1894-1973. I cried for you
- Arnheim, Gus, 1897-1955. I cried for you
- Lyman, Abe, 1897-1957. I cried for you
- Hodges, Johnny, 1907-1970. Wings and things
- Hodges, Johnny, 1907-1970. Spotted dog
- Hodges, Johnny, 1907-1970. Blues for Madeleine
- Hodges, Johnny, 1907-1970. Rabbitt out of the hat
- Hodges, Johnny, 1907-1970. Hash brown
- Ellington, Duke, 1899-1974. Harmony in Harlem
- Hodges, Johnny, 1907-1970. Harmony in Harlem
- Mills, Irving, 1894-1985. Harmony in Harlem
- Hodges, Johnny, 1907-1970. Blue o'mighty
- 其他題名:
- Blue Hodge.
- Hodge podge.
- Knuckles.
- Jones.
- I cried for you.
- A&R blues.
- Wings and things.
- Peg o'my heart.
- Spotted dog.
- Blues for Madeleine.
- Rabbitt out of the hat.
- Hash brown.
- Harmony in Harlem.
- Blues o'mighty.
- Compact jazz
- 出版: Baarn, Netherlands : Verve 1989.
- 叢書名: Compact jazz
- 主題: Jazz--1961-1970. , Saxophone music (Jazz) , Organ music (Jazz) , Jazz. , Organ music (Jazz) , Saxophone music (Jazz) , 1961 - 1970
- 一般註:Programme notes in leaflet in container. Jazz. Container title: Johnny Hodges, Wild Bill Davis. Compact disc.
- 演出者註:Johnny Hodges, saxophone; Wild Bill Davis, organ; with various ensembles.
- 系統號: 005130316 | 機讀編目格式
Blue Hodge / McFarland -- Hodge podge / Hodges ; Ellington -- Knuckles / McFarland -- Jones / Ellington ; Redden -- I cried for you / Freed ; Arheim ; Lyman -- A& R blues / Hodges -- Wings and things / Hodges -- Peg o' my heart / Fisher ; Bryan -- Spotted dog / Hodges -- Blues for Madeleine / Hodges -- Rabbitt out of the hat / Hodges -- Hash brown / Hodges -- Harmony in Harlem / Ellington ; Hodges ; Mills -- Blues o'mighty / Hodges.