From the house of the dead ; Mladi ; Rikadla / Janacek.
- 作者: Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928. Pohádka
- 其他作者:
- Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor
- Wiener Philharmoniker
- London Sinfonietta. Chorus.
- London Sinfonietta
- Zahradníček, Jiří, 1923-2001.
- Žídek, Ivo, 1926-2003.
- Zítek, Václav, 1932-2011.
- Jedlička, Dalibor, 1929-
- Janská , Jaroslava
- Švorc, Antonín, 1934-2011.
- Mackerras, Charles, 1925-2010.
- Atherton, David, 1944-
- Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928. Z mrtvého domu
- Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928. Mládí
- Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928. Říkadla
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881. Zapiski iz mertvogo doma.
- 其他題名:
- Pohádka
- Selections
- From the house of the dead.
- Mladi.
- Rikadla.
- 楊納傑克:歌劇<死屋手記>全曲.
- Märchen
- Fairy tale
- Tale
- Skladby pro violoncello a klavír
- Sochinenii︠a︡ dli︠a︡ violoncheli i fortepiano
- Compositions for violoncello and piano
- Conte
- Kompositionen für Violoncello und Klavier
- Pohádka o caru Berendějovi dle Žukovského
- Tale about Tsar Berendyey after Zhukovski
- Märchen vom Zaren Berenděj nach Žukovskij
- 童話
- 出版: New York, N.Y. : London [1991], p1980.
- 叢書名: 留聲機唱片大獎 , 英國留聲機唱片大獎 , 留聲機雜誌唱片大獎 , 英國留聲機雜誌唱片大獎 , Gramophone唱片大獎
- 主題: Operas. , Suites (Bassoon, clarinets (2), flute, horn, oboe) , Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices) with instrumental ensemble.
- URL:
- 一般註:London: 430 375-2 (430 376-2--430 377-2). The 1st work is an opera; sung in Czech; libretto by the composer, based on: Zapiski iz mertvogo doma / Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The 2nd work is a suite for flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, horn, and bassoon. The 3rd work for 9 mixed voices, piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, double bass, ocarina, piano, and toy drum; sung in Czech, Slovak, and Ukranian. Performance of the 1st work based on the copyist manuscript containing subsequent additions by the composer, as well as the autograph score. Compact discs; analog recording. Durations: 1:31:00; 27:03; 15:24. Program notes and synopsis by John Tyrrell in English with French, German, and Italian translations, and libretto with English, French, and German translations (219 p.) in container.
- 演出者註:In the 1st work: Jiri Zahradnicek, Ivo Zidek, tenors ; Vaclav Zitek, baritone ; Dalibor Jedlicka, bass ; other soloists ; Wiener Staatsopernchor ; Wiener Philharmoniker ; Sir Charles MacKerras, conductor. In the 2nd-3rd works: London Sinfonietta and Chorus ; David Atherton, conductor.
- 系統號: 005014226 | 機讀編目格式