台灣小劇場運動史 : 尋找另類美學與政治=The Little theatre movement of Taiwan (1980-89):in search of alternative aesthetics and politics / 鍾明德著 .
在後現代主義的雜音 / 鍾明德著.
神聖的藝術: 葛羅托斯基的創作方法研究 = The art of sacredness: tell it forward with Jerzy Grotowski / 鍾明德著.
從貧窮劇場到藝乘 : 薪傳葛羅托斯基 = From poor theatre to art as vehicle : tell it forward with Jerzy Grotowski / 鍾明德著.
藝乘三部曲 : 覺性如何圓滿? = A trilogy of art as vehicle : how can total awareness be achieved?/ 鍾明德著.