

The cellist ; The two pigeons.


摘自 維基百科 網站 : 《大提琴手》是一部關於英國大提琴手杰奎琳·杜普雷(Jacqueline duPré)的獨幕芭蕾舞劇,由凱西·馬斯頓(Cathy Marston)編排,劇本由馬斯頓(Marston)和愛德華·坎普(Edward Kemp)設計。音樂由菲利普·費尼(Philip Feeney)創作。
摘自 芭蕾雅客 - Ballet Art News 網站 : 2016年1月下旬,英國皇家芭蕾舞團在倫敦Royal Opera House演出舞劇《The Two Pigeons》(兩隻鴿子)。劇中安排了2隻白鴿與男女主角一同演出,當男女主角歡喜重逢、最後Happy Ending的時刻,兩隻鴿子也甜蜜的依偎在一起,為原本就浪漫的情節增添了不少趣味。
[ 劇情 ] 已有未婚妻的年輕畫家,與擔任他繪畫模特兒的吉普賽女子陷入「禁忌的熱戀」,甚至隨著這名女子遠走他鄉。但吉普賽女郎對他的態度逐漸由熱情轉為冷淡、甚至極盡冷嘲熱諷地對羞辱他。吉普賽女郎的無情對待讓畫家終於清醒過來,他帶著受傷的心返回家鄉,乞求未婚妻的寬恕。


The special release brings together two compelling works showing the dramatic range of Lauren Cuthbertson and The Royal Ballet. Internationally acclaimed choreographer Cathy Marston, previously Associate Artist of The Royal Opera House and Director of Bern Ballett, created The Cellist for The Royal Ballet in 2020. The inspiration for her first work for the Royal Opera House Main Stage is the momentous life and career of cellist Jacqueline du Pré - from her discovery of the cello and her celebrity as one of its most extraordinary players to her pain, frustration, and struggle with multiple sclerosis. Composer Philip Feeney incorporates some of the most moving and powerful music for cello by Elgar, Beethoven, Fauré, Mendelssohn, Piatti, Rachmaninoff, and Schubert into an exquisite score that is itself an homage to the cello. In The Two Pigeons, Lauren Cuthbertson and Vadim Muntagirov lead a charismatic cast in Ashton's poignant and heart-warming reflection on love, based on an old French folk tale and first performed on Valentine's Day 1961. Created by the Company's Founder Choreographer, this recording captures The Royal Ballet's famous skill and distinctive style as Barry Wordsworth conducts the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House in Messager's rapturous score.


The cellist (Cathy Marston, choreography ; Philip Feeney, composer) -- The two pigeons (Frederick Ashton, choreography ; André Messager, composer ; Christopher Carr, stage director).
