
向坂本龍一致敬~永遠愛你 (黑膠唱片)
- 題名: A tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto : to the moon and back / Ryuichi Sakamoto.
- 作者: 坂本龍一, 1952-2023. composer.
- 其他作者:
- Sakamoto, Ryūichi, 1952-2023. Walker
- Carsten Nicolai, 1965- Grains
- Sakamoto, Ryūichi, 1952-2023. Thousand knives
- Sakamoto, Ryūichi, 1952-2023. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
- Sakamoto, Ryūichi, 1952-2023. Thatness & thereness
- Hildur Guðnadóttir, 1982- World citizen I won't be disappointed
- Skúli Sverrisson. World citizen I won't be disappointed
- Sakamoto, Ryūichi, 1952-2023. Sheltering sky. Sheltering sky
- Sakamoto, Ryūichi, 1952-2023. Amore
- Lindsay, Arto, 1953- Amore
- Trilling, Roger. Amore
- Sakamoto, Ryūichi, 1952-2023. Choral, no. 1
- Sakamoto, Ryūichi, 1952-2023. Tony Takitani. DNA
- Sachiko M., 1973- With snow and moonlight
- Sylvian, David, 1958- Forbidden colours
- Sakamoto, Ryūichi, 1952-2023. Revenant. Revenant main theme
- 其他題名:
- To the moon and back
- 向坂本龍一致敬~永遠愛你 (黑膠唱片)
- 出版: New York, NY : Milan Records ©2022.
- 主題: Popular music. , Electronica (Music) , Remixes (Music)
- URL:
- 系統號: 005150339 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 佳佳唱片 網站 : 創作曲風空靈脫俗、融合東西古今,世界級音樂大師代表,被譽為「新音樂教父」,讓西方樂壇大為驚豔且推崇的坂本龍一(Ryuichi Sakamoto),涉獵領域非常廣泛,將迷幻浩室和合成器風潮有著開創性的世界影響,並以追求多元化風格牽動著電子流派。逐步觸及爵士、世界音樂、搖滾與電影、動畫、電玩配樂領域,企圖混融各種文化,突破種族差異,串連不同元素,再加上明瞭於商業、藝術與實驗中找到平衡點,締造其他日本作曲家所難以望其項背的成就。替1992年巴塞隆納奧運開幕式創作音樂;1999年推出的〈Energy Flow〉,成為日本公信榜史上第一首純演奏單曲。生平贏取奧斯卡獎、英國電影學院獎、葛萊美獎和兩次金球獎殊榮,授予法國藝術與文學勳章加冕!
出生東京中野區,將自小奠下古典音樂的根基,搭上新浪潮風格襲捲全球,與細野晴臣及高橋幸宏打造黃色魔術交響樂團(YMO),正式敲啟坂本龍一的知名度。解散後,坂本龍一活躍在音樂、電影、出版、廣告等媒體行業。1983年參與大島渚的電影《俘虜》演出,同時編寫配樂,拿下英國電影學院「最佳電影配樂」喝采。1987年替義大利金獎導演柏納多貝托魯奇(Bernardo Bertolucci)的《末代皇帝》執掌配樂,抱回奧斯卡「最佳原創電影配樂」大獎加冕。另外,大島渚《御法度》、貝托魯奇《小活佛》、阿莫多瓦《高跟鞋》、奧利佛史東《野棕櫚》、三池崇史《一命》、與提琴雙傑(2Cellos)合作《怒》,都是坂本龍一交出得意之作!
2022年慶祝坂本龍一70大壽,由官方團隊與Milan Records組織的盛大企劃,送上向傳奇致敬特輯《A Tribute To Ryuichi Sakamoto / To The Moon And Back》,來自全球,橫跨各領域群星重新翻奏坂本龍一歷年重點代表作品。包括:多次獲得金曲獎和金馬獎,也獲坎城影展肯定,台灣「新臺語歌運動」先鋒--林強(Lim Giong),挑選2017年贏取滾石雜誌在內超過10家傳媒評鑑「年度最佳專輯」《async》曲目〈Walker〉;英倫新浪漫風潮代表樂團Japan核心David Sylvian主導〈Grains (Sweet Paulownia Wood)〉;驚人的美籍跨界鬼才,可以玩重金屬、電音、節奏藍調、搖滾、靈魂、放克的Thundercat,將無國界理念注入〈Thousand Knives〉裡頭;加拿大Synthpop雙人組Electric Youth,打理坂本龍一生涯重要關鍵〈Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence〉;日本澀谷系音樂指標小山田圭吾(Cornelius),負責起〈Thatness And Thereness〉的新奏新氣象;操控《小丑Joker》電影配樂的冰島大提琴樂手/作曲家/歌手Hildur Guðnadóttir演繹〈World Citizen I Won’t Be Disappointed〉;曾和坂本龍一攜手替全球破5億美金票房電影《神鬼獵人》譜寫配樂之德國電氣音樂家Alva Noto詮釋〈The Sheltering Sky〉;奧地利專司電子/噪音的Fennesz打造〈Amore〉幻境;英倫PBR&B潮痞男Devonté Hynes重組〈Choral No. 1〉;英倫Nu Jazz/Downtempo多人團隊The Cinematic Orchestra共通描繪〈DNA〉迷人音場;還有日本深具實驗本色的大友良英(Yoshihide Otomo)也前來發揮長才,細心雕琢坂本龍一音樂的美麗之處!
Double vinyl LP pressing. In celebration of composer Ryuichi Sakamoto's 70th birthday, Milan Records announces A Tribute To Ryuichi Sakamoto - To The Moon And Back, a collection of songs from Sakamoto's vast catalogue newly reworked and remodeled by contemporary artists and collaborators. Envisioned by Sakamoto's management team and Milan Records, A Tribute To Ryuichi Sakamoto - To The Moon And Back features artists across generation and genre, each with their own connection to the iconic musician, and hand-selected for the project as either past collaborators, friends, admirers, or personal favorites of Sakamoto. From contemporary admirers of Sakamoto's work like Thundercat, Devonté Hynes, and Hildur Guðnadóttir to longtime collaborators and friends like David Sylvian, Alva Noto, Cornelius, and Fennesz, plus some of Sakamoto's personal favorites like Lim Giong, Gabrial Wek, and 404. Zero, the included artists reflect the breadth of Sakamoto's influence on contemporary music. Given full access to the musician's extensive catalogue of solo releases and film scores, each artist personally selected their contribution and put their unique spin on Sakamoto's originals. The result is a collection that reflects the many dimensions of Sakamoto's career, from the diversity of sound the consummate musician has traversed to the continued legacy of his work on artists of all backgrounds.
Walker (Lim Giong follow the steps remodel) (4:42) -- Grains (Sweet Paulownia Wood) (David Sylvian remodel) (7:13) -- Thousand knives (Thundercat remodel) (5:26) -- Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Electric Youth remodel) (5:09) -- Thatness and thereness (Cornelius remodel) (3:35) -- World citizen I won't be disappointed (Hildur Gun̥adt̥tir remodel) (5:42) -- The sheltering sky (Alva Noto remodel) (4:49) -- Amore (Fennesz remodel) (4:40) -- Choral no. 1 (Devonté Hynes remodel) (3:02) -- DNA (The Cinematic Orchestra remodel) (4:32) -- With snow and moonlight - snow, silence, partially sunny (Yoshihide Otomo remodel) (12:49) -- Forbidden colours (Gabrial Wek remodel) (6:35) -- The Revenant main theme (404.zero remodel) (3:53).