

巴姬塔 - 芭蕾舞劇


摘自 品牌癮 網站 : 葉卡捷琳堡國家歌劇芭蕾舞劇院創立於1912年,坐落於俄羅斯第四大城市卡捷琳堡最有名的列寧大道上。是該市第二大劇院,也是俄羅斯最古老的歌劇院之一,俄羅斯許多著名藝術家都曾在此劇院演出。最近,該劇院正式更名為烏拉爾歌劇芭蕾舞劇院(Ural Opera Ballet)並推出了全新的視覺形象系統,新形象由當地設計機構Voskhod設計完成。


"A breath of fresh air is blowing over the Ural Opera Ballet with this new version of Paquita, halfway between tradition and modernity! A festive ballet recounting the thwarted loves of a gypsy and an officer, Paquita marked the debut of Marius Petipa in Saint Petersburg. But only the last scene of the ballet, the famous Grand pas Classique, remained in the companies? repertoire. Thanks to a careful reconstruction, the Ural Opera Ballet finally revives the original version in three acts. The product of methodical research by expert Sergei Vikharev and former Principal Vyacheslav Samodurov, the choreography scrupulously recreates Petipa?s 1881 version, according to notes kept at the Harvard Theater Collection. The original score has been rearranged by the famous Saint Petersburg composer, Yuri Krasavin. But if this new production uses the original libretto of the ballet, it nonetheless transposes it in time. The result is a show of great relevance, which brings up to date the strong political and social substrate of the original plot by illustrating it with artistic references gleaned throughout the 20th century. A powerful theatrical experience, crowned with the jury's special award of the "Golden Masks" in 2019."--Bellairclassiques.com.
