Works / by S. Prokofiev and A. & N. Tcherepnin ; Alexander Gadjiev, piano.
- 其他作者:
- Gadjiev, Alexander, 1994- instrumentalist.
- Prokofiev, Sergey, 1891-1953. Sarkazmy
- Prokofiev, Sergey, 1891-1953. Mimoletnosti. Selections.
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Piano music. Selections.
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Pieces, piano, op. 88
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Pieces, piano, op. 88. Medition
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Pieces, piano, op. 88. Intermezzo
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Pieces, piano, op. 88. Reverie
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Pieces, piano, op. 88. Impromptu
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Pieces, piano, op. 88. Invocation
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Pieces, piano, op. 88. Chase
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Pieces, piano, op. 88. Etude
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Pieces, piano, op. 88. Burlesque
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Preludes, piano, op. 85. Adagio
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Preludes, piano, op. 85. Allegro
- Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977. Préludes nostalgiques
- Tcherepnine, Nicolas, 1873-1945. Muzykalʹnye illi͡ustrat͡siĭ k skazke "O rybake i rybke" A.S. Pushkina
- BBC Radio 3. producer.
- Deutschlandfunk Kultur producer.
- 其他題名:
- 普羅高菲夫 諷刺曲, 作品17
- 普羅高菲夫 瞬間幻影, 作品22(選粹)
- 出版: Cologne : CAvi-Music ℗2022
- 主題: Piano music. , Sonatas (Piano)
- URL:
- 一般註:Booklet in German and English. This recording is a co-production with BBC Radio 3 with Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Alexander Gadjiev is a member of BBC Radio 3's New Generation Artists scheme.
- 演出者註:Alexander Gadjiev, piano.
- 系統號: 005150679 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 博客來音樂館 網站 : Alexander Gadjiev是2021蕭邦鋼琴大賽的銀牌得主,也是賽會奏鳴曲最佳演奏獎的得主,同時也是2021雪梨鋼琴大賽的金牌得主。這張專輯是他得獎後首張個人專輯(不包含比賽實況錄音的話),收錄Alexander Gadjiev非常喜歡的俄國作曲家Tcherepnin父子的作品, Tcherepnin擅長以五聲音階譜寫出濃濃的異國風情,在Alexander Gadjiev的演奏下格外的迷人。解說冊中也收錄Alexander Gadjiev對這些作品的心得與看法!推出後馬上獲得留聲機雜誌的強力推薦,值得收藏的一份錄音!
Five Sarcasms : Op. 17 (1912-1914) / Sergei Prokofiev -- Eight Pieces for Piano, Op. 88 (1954/55) / Alexander Nikolayevich Tcherepnin -- Visions Fugitives : Op. 22 (1915-1917) (selection) / Sergei Prokofiev -- Six Musical Illustrations to Alexander Pushkin's Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish : Op. 41 (1917) / Nikolai Nikolayevich Tcherepnin.