

向配樂大師詹姆斯霍納致敬 ─ 經典電影配樂


摘自 佳佳唱片 網站 : 曾獲得多項大獎肯定的詹姆斯‧霍納(James Horner)是美國好萊塢電影產業中,最重要的配樂大師之一。生於洛杉磯,在英國成長,之後回到美國攻讀音樂學位,於加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)取得音樂創作和理論的博士學位。2015年因為駕駛小飛機失事不幸身亡,享壽61歲。2018年是詹姆斯‧霍納65歲冥誕,本輯便是向其傑出成就致意之專輯,所收錄的樂曲選自:《鐵達尼號》、《阿凡達》、《星艦迷航記 II:星戰大怒吼》、《特洛伊:木馬屠城》、《美國鼠譚》、《風雲際會》、《蜘蛛人:驚奇再起》、《梅爾吉勃遜之英雄本色》、《魔繭》、《阿波羅13號》、《真愛一世情》等電影。
詹姆斯‧霍納總計共獲得2座奧斯卡獎、3座葛萊美獎、兩座金球獎與3座衛星獎。其中最重要的獎項是以《鐵達尼號》奪得奧斯卡最佳原創音樂和最佳原創歌曲。另外也以《美國鼠譚》之〈Somewhere Out There〉與《鐵達尼號》之〈My Heart Will Go On〉兩度拿下葛萊美獎的年度歌曲大獎。
本專輯精選詹姆斯‧霍納重要的配樂段落,由SONY唱片旗下音樂家一同詮釋其經典,包括酷音樂團(The Piano Guys)、提琴雙傑(2CELLOS)、小提琴家琳西特莉(Lindsey Stirling)、大提琴家郭婷娜(Tina Guo)、豎琴家拉芬尼婭邁雅(Lavinia Meijer)、薩克斯風演奏家艾咪迪克森(Amy Dickson)等人演奏,同步收錄作曲家本人指揮捷克愛樂管弦樂團一同參與演出之珍貴錄音。


Multi-Academy Award winner James Horner is one of the most acclaimed composers in Hollywood history. He has written scores and songs for iconic movies including Titanic, Avatar, Braveheart, Cocoon and The Mask of Zorro. If not for his tragic passing, the composer would have celebrated his 65th Birthday on August 14, 2018. This album is a unique tribute to one of the titans of film music. A stellar array of musicians such as 2CELLOS, Lindsey Stirling, Tina Guo, and the Piano Guys come together to offer stunning and imaginative interpretations of his greatest compositions.


My heart will go on (from Titanic) (2Cellos) (5:44) -- Rooftop kiss (from The amazing Spider-Man) (Lavinia Meijer) (3:09) -- Willow's theme (from Willow) (Amy Dickson) (3:28) -- Theme from Cocoon (Tina Guo) (4:42) -- The wrath of Khan (from Star Trek II: the wrath of Khan (David Elton) (3:09) -- I see you (from Avatar) (Tina Guo) (4:40) -- Field of dreams (from Field of dreams) (Craig Ogden) (5:52) -- Somewhere out there (from An American tale) (Lavinia Meijer, Amy Dickson) (4:13) -- For the love of a princess (from Braveheart) (2Cellos) (5:11) -- The Ludlows (from Legends of the fall) (Lindsey Stirling) (4:52) -- Jake's first flight (from Avatar) (The Piano Guys) (3:26) -- Boys playing airplanes (from The boy in the striped pyjamas) (Alexis Ffrench) (4:35) -- Main title from Apollo 13 (David Elton) (6:28) -- Briseis and Achilles (from Troy) (Lindsey Stirling) (4:42).
