Songs for distingué lovers / Billie Holiday.
- 作者: Holiday, Billie, 1915-1959.
- 其他作者:
- Bloom, Rube, 1902-1976. Day in day out
- Mercer, Johnny, 1909-1976. Day in day out
- Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. Damsel in distress. Foggy day
- Perkins, Frank, 1908-1988. Stars fell on Alabama
- Parish, Mitchell, 1900-1993. Stars fell on Alabama
- Arlen, Harold, 1905-1986. One for my baby
- Mercer, Johnny, 1909-1976. One for my baby
- Porter, Cole, 1891-1964. Jubilee. Just one of those things
- Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979. Too many girls. I didn't know what time it was
- Hart, Lorenz, 1895-1943. Too many girls. I didn't know what time it was
- Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. Shall we dance? Let's call the whole thing off
- Gershwin, Ira, 1896-1983. Shall we dance? Let's call the whole thing off
- Rainger, Ralph, 1901-1942. I wished on the moon
- Parker, Dorothy, 1893-1967. I wished on the moon
- Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. Shall we dance? They can't take that away from me
- Gershwin, Ira, 1896-1983. Shall we dance? They can't take that away from me
- Green, Johnny, 1908-1989. Body and soul. Body and soul
- Eyton, Frank, 1894-1962. Body and soul. Body and soul
- Heyman, Edward, 1907-1981. Body and soul. Body and soul
- Sour, Robert, 1906-1985. Body and soul. Body and soul
- Suessdorf, Karl, 1921-1982. Moonlight in Vermont
- Blackburn, John, 1913-2006. Moonlight in Vermont
- Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. Goldwyn follies. Love is here to stay
- Gershwin, Ira, 1896-1983. Goldwyn follies. Love is here to stay
- Edison, Harry, 1915-1999.
- Webster, Ben, 1909-1973.
- Rowles, Jimmie, 1918-1996.
- Kessel, Barney, 1923-2004.
- Mitchell, Red, 1927-1992.
- Stoller, Alvin, 1925-1992.
- Bunker, Larry, 1928-2005.
- 出版: New York : Verve p2006, 1997.
- 叢書名: 企鵝爵士4星
- 主題: Jazz vocals. , Blues (Music)
- URL:
- 版本:Verve Master ed.
- 演出者註:Billie Holiday, vocals ; Harry "Sweet" Edison, trumpet ; Ben Webster, tenor saxophone ; Jimmie Rowles, piano ; Barney Kessel, guitar ; Red Mitchell, bass ; Alvin Stoller, prob. Larry Bunker (track 7, 9), drums.
- 獎品註:AMG 三星、Downbeat 四星、企鵝爵士評鑑四星
- 系統號: 005150921 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 博客來音樂館 網站 : 在 1955-57 年間,傳奇爵士樂製作人 Norman Granz 請來 Billie Holiday 灌錄了數張專輯,當中有部分於自家廠牌 Clef 中發行,另一部分則在爵士名廠 Verve 旗下發表,像本張專輯 《Songs For Distingue Lovers》就是其一。 在專輯錄音期間,Billie Holiday 的歌聲正受健康因素的影響,不如以往的高亢明亮。而這些來自生活歷練上的磨難讓她的歌唱變得略微沙啞,並帶有滄桑的音色,但也為她的歌曲帶來了豐富的情感張力。其強大的渲染力,一字一句宛如真實地傾訴歌詞中的情節,讓人不自覺也深陷其中。 專輯中,除了 Billie Holiday 感性的歌聲動人外,結合 Ben Webster、Wynton Kelly、Barney Kessel 和 Red Mitchell 等強力樂手的伴奏,將作品烘托的更為出色。然而,權威音樂傳媒的高度評價,更加彰顯了 Billie Holiday 不凡的爵士地位。有別於當代眾多爵士女歌手的甜膩嗓音,Billie Holiday 的聲音是一種特殊的存在,好比是高純度的巧克力,一入口雖苦澀卻能回甘,是大人的口味。 摘自 博客來音樂館 網站 : 1959年五月31日,永遠的爵士女伶比莉.哈樂黛因嚴重肝硬化,病逝於紐約大都會醫院,享年44歲。在她病變入院治療到逝世前足足兩個月,病房門外都有警力看守,因為她被控非法持有毒品遭逮捕,悲慘不止於此,由於她晚年遇人不淑,收入屢遭詐騙,身後銀行存款只剩美金7毛五。 雖然比莉.哈樂黛傳奇的一生大多充滿令人不堪的苦痛,但這不是她之所以如此令所有樂迷崇拜的原因,最重要的是她用獨一無二的嗓音,改變爵士樂演唱和表達的方式。她在1956年底成功地完成所有音樂家的夢想-在卡內基廳表演 。
Day in day out -- A foggy day -- Stars fell on Alabama -- One for my baby (and one more for the road) -- Just one of those things -- I didn't know what time it was -- Let's call the whole thing off -- I wished on the moon -- They can't take taht away from me -- Body and soul -- Moonlight in Vermont -- Love is here to stay.