A musical romance / Billie Holiday + Lester Young.
- 作者: Holiday, Billie, 1915-1959.
- 其他作者:
- Young, Lester, 1909-1959.
- Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. Lady, be good! Man I love
- Gershwin, Ira, 1896-1983. Lady, be good! Man I love
- Berlin, Irving, 1888-1989. On the avenue. This year's kisses
- Ahlert, Fred E., 1892-1953. Mean to me
- Turk, Roy, 1892-1934. Mean to me
- Jolson, Al, 1886-1950. Back in your own backyard
- Rose, Billy, 1899-1966. Back in your own backyard
- Dreyer, Dave, 1894-1967. Back in your own backyard
- Malneck, Matty, 1903-1981. I'll never be the same
- Signorelli, Frank, 1901-1975. I'll never be the same
- Rexha, Bebe, 1989- Me, myself and I
- Youmans, Vincent, 1898-1946. Silmes. Time on my hands
- Adamson, Harold, 1906-1980. Smiles. Time on my hands
- Gordon, Mack, 1904-1959. Smiles. Time on my hands
- McHugh, Jimmy, 1894-1969. Blackbirds of 1928. I must have that man
- Fields, Dorothy, 1905-1974. Balckbirds of 1928. I must have that man
- Lawrence, Jack, 1912-2009. Foolin' myself
- Tinturin, Peter, 1910-2007. Foolin' myself
- Shay, Larry, 1897-1988. When you're smiling
- Fisher, Mark, 1895-1948. When you're smiling
- Goodwin, Joe, 1889-1943. When you're smiling
- Lombardo, Carmen, 1903-1971. Sailboat in the moonlight
- Loeb, John Jacob, 1910-1970. Sailboat in the moonlight
- Moret, Neil, 1878-1943. She's funny that way
- Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. She's funny that way
- Holiday, Billie, 1915-1959. Laughing at life
- Nicholls, Billy, 1949- Without your love
- Holiday, Billie, 1915-1959. Fine and mellow
- 出版: New York : Sony Music ℗2002.
- 主題: Jazz. , Jazz vocals.
- URL:
- 演出者註:Billie Holiday, main performer, vocals ; Lester Young, sax (tenor).
- 系統號: 005150925 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 博客來音樂館 網站 : 1959年五月31日,永遠的爵士女伶比莉.哈樂黛因嚴重肝硬化,病逝於紐約大都會醫院,享年44歲。在她病變入院治療到逝世前足足兩個月,病房門外都有警力看守,因為她被控非法持有毒品遭逮捕,悲慘不止於此,由於她晚年遇人不淑,收入屢遭詐騙,身後銀行存款只剩美金7毛五。 雖然比莉.哈樂黛傳奇的一生大多充滿令人不堪的苦痛,但這不是她之所以如此令所有樂迷崇拜的原因,最重要的是她用獨一無二的嗓音,改變爵士樂演唱和表達的方式。她在1956年底成功地完成所有音樂家的夢想-在卡內基廳表演 。 摘自 博客來音樂館 網站 : 此張專輯收錄了比莉與里斯特楊合作的情歌選,包括“The Man I Love"、“Time On My Heads(You In My Arms)"、“He’s Funny That Way"等,而比莉哈樂黛與李斯特楊之間始終未獲確實證明的情愫,似乎亦可從兩人合作時嫻熟的默契略見端倪。
1. Man I Love (3:06) -- 2. This Year's Kisses (3:10) -- 3. Mean to Me (3:08) -- 4. Back in Your Own Backyard (2:42) -- 5. I'll Never Be the Same (3:03) -- 6. Me, Myself and I (2:37) -- 7. Time on My Hands (3:06) -- 8. Who Wants Love? (2:34) -- 9. I Must Have That Man! (2:57) -- 10. Foolin' Myself (3:02) -- 11. When You're Smiling (2:52) -- 12. Sailboat in the Moonlight (2:51) -- 13. He's Funny That Way (2:41) -- 14. Laughing at Life (2:56) -- 15. Without Your Love (2:53) -- 16. Fine and Mellow (6:19).