The best live concert. Vol. 1. / Louis Armstrong.
- 作者: Armstrong, Louis, 1901-1971.
- 其他作者:
- Barcelona, Danny, 1929-2007. performer
- Catlett, Buddy, 1933-2014. performer
- Kyle, Billy, 1914-1966. performer
- Glenn, Tyree, 1912-1974. performer
- Shu, Eddie, 1918-1986. performer
- Brown, Jewel, 1937- vocalist
- Muse, Clarence, 1889-1979. When it's sleepy time down south
- René, Otis, 1898-1970. When it's sleepy time down south
- René, Otis, 1898-1970. When it's sleepy time down south
- Hanley, James F. (James Frederick), 1892-1942. Indiana
- MacDonald, Ballard, 1882-1935. Indiana
- LaRocca, Nick, 1889-1961. Tiger rag
- Romberg, Sigmund, 1887-1951. Night is young. When I grow too old to dream
- Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960. Night is young. When I grow too old to dream
- Tizol, Juan, 1900-1984. Perdido
- Herman, Jerry, 1931- Hello, Dolly! Hello, Dolly!
- Jones, Isham, 1894-1956. On the Alamo
- Kalmar, Bert, 1884-1947. Kiss to build a dream on
- Ruby, Harry, 1895-1974. Kiss to build a dream on
- Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960. Kiss to build a dream on
- Romberg, Sigmund, 1887-1951. New moon. Lover, come back to me
- Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960. New moon. Lover, come back to me
- Kern, Jerome, 1885-1945. Show boat. Can't help lovin' dat man
- Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960. Show boat. Can't help lovin' dat man
- Wilson, Teddy, 1912-1986 Mop mop
- Heard, J. C. (James Charles), 1917-1988. Mop mop
- Rose, Vincent, 1880-1944. Blueberry hill
- Stock, Larry, 1896-1984. Blueberry hill
- Lewis, Al, 1901-1967. Blueberry hill
- 其他題名:
- Jazz in Paris ;
- 出版: France :Universal City, CA : Verve ;Distributed by Universal Music ℗2000.
- 叢書名: Jazz in Paris
- 主題: Jazz. , Trumpet music (Jazz)
- URL:
- 一般註:封面及封底錯誤(vol. 2), CD為Louis Armstrong the best live concert vol. 1 Program notes in English and French.
- 演出者註:Louis Armstrong, trumpet, vocal ; Jewell Brown, vocal ; Tyree Glenn, trombone ; Eddie Shu, clarinet ; Billy Kyle, piano ; Boddy Catlett, double bass ; Danny Barcelona, drums.
- 系統號: 005151793 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 佳佳唱片 網站 : 路易斯‧阿姆斯壯,他是一個自社會底層崛起而藉自身才華發跡成名的成功典範,除了本身唱作俱佳外,亦演繹了不少膾炙人口的暢銷金曲,即便再如何平淡無奇的曲目,在他口中都能幻化成饒樂有味的迷人質感。他以無比熱情將爵士樂散播給全世界,並將歡樂渲染至每個人,其精神及音樂直至今日依然長存,久久縈繞不去..... 路易斯.阿姆斯壯有爵士樂縮影之稱、更是美國爵士文化的代名詞,他憑藉著過人的演奏技巧、洪亮的小號聲響、渾厚的特殊唱腔及獨創的擬聲唱法獨步樂壇!幼年時的困頓及青少年的迷途讓他的發跡增添傳奇色彩,而他後來努力於樂器演奏也為他的多舛命途開啟了一扇窗,悠遊於紐奧良、迪西蘭、搖擺等各式曲風,且在流行樂壇亦掙得一席之地,因其匯集音樂性及娛樂性於一身的表演藝術型式不僅使其在1949年登上美國時代雜誌的封面人物,成為首位獲得此殊榮肯定的爵士樂手,而後更身兼電影演員及和平親善大使,運用歌聲及小號傳遞出愛與和平的幸福真諦,也因此女伶比莉‧哈樂黛曾言:「阿姆斯壯如此親切的演唱方式,真的足以化解了人與人之間的藩籬!」,當代美國最傑出的爵士小號家溫頓‧馬沙利斯亦曾說︰「路易斯‧阿姆斯壯是被派遣來將爵士樂的感情與訊息傳送給每個人的使者!」 這個世界最重要的一首歌- 「What a Wonderful World」,就是出自於此位音樂史上最重要的微笑歌神音樂巨人- 路易斯‧阿姆斯壯,他在爵士樂上的卓越成就,以美國爵士文化的代名詞來形容他一點都不為過!他歌唱時宛若邊琢磨著細石顆粒的沙啞嗓音,辨識度極高的獨有聲線,再加上好似和煦陽光般的溫暖唱腔,所蘊含之真誠敦睦質感更是無人能及。
When it's sleepy time down south -- Back home again in Indiana -- Tiger rag -- When I grow too old to dream -- Perdido -- Hello Dolly -- On the Alamo -- A kiss to build a dream on -- Lover come back to me -- Can't help lovin' that man of mine -- Mop mop blueberry hill.