Marian Anderson sing negro spirituals.
- 作者: Anderson, Marian, 1897-1993
- 其他題名:
- He's Got the whole World in his hands
- Dere's No Hidin' place
- I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
- Oh, that Oh, Didn't lt Rain
- Am Bound for the Kingdom
- Oh, Wasn't Dat a Wide Ribber
- My Soul's Been Anchored in de Lord
- Lord, please allow me Lord, I Can't Stay Away
- Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
- Hold on
- Scandalize my Name Gittin' up Mornin'
- Great Gittin' up Mornin'
- I Stood on de Ribber ob Jerdon
- Look at that Behold That Star
- Oh, Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells
- Trampin
- Nobody Knows The Trouble I See
- Deep River
- 出版: 台灣 : 松竹 1970.
- 主題: Spirituals (Songs). , Songs.
- 一般註:中文解說/邵義強.
- 演出者註:Marian Anderson, Vocalist; Franz Rupp, pianolist.
- 系統號: 005151815 | 機讀編目格式
He's Got the whole World in his hands -- Dere's No Hidin' place -- I Want Jesus To Walk With Me -- Oh, that Oh, Didn't lt Rain -- Am Bound for the Kingdom -- Oh, Wasn't Dat a Wide Ribber -- My Soul's Been Anchored in de Lord -- Lord, please allow me Lord, I Can't Stay Away -- Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child -- Hold on -- Scandalize my Name Gittin' up Mornin' -- Great Gittin' up Mornin' -- Done Foun' my Los' Sheep -- I Stood on de Ribber ob Jerdon -- Look at that Behold That Star -- Heav'n Heav'n -- Oh, Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells -- Trampin -- Nobody Knows The Trouble I See -- Deep River.