

Cekam te! : Janacek neznamy = Janacek unknown.



Cekam te! = Waiting for you! : sketch for harmonium (:47) -- Valecna = War song (1:27) -- K sveceni praporu : Valecna 2 = "Blessing the flag" chorus : War song 2 (3:41) -- Znelka = Intrada in A major (2:36) -- Znelka = Intrada in D minor (1:00) -- Slavnostni sbor = Festival chorus (4:43) -- Po zarostlem chodnicku : drobne skladby pro harmonium = On the overgrown path : small compositions for harmonium (15:03) -- Zarlivost : puvodni predehra k opere = Jealousy : original overture to the opera (3:45) -- "A tak bychom sli celym zivotem"/"Aji on byl zlatohriby" : puvodni arie Kostelnicky z 1. dejstvi opery = "And that's how we would go"/"Ah, he was so strong" : original aria of Kostelnicka from the 1st act of the oepra ( 3:40) -- Taras Bulba : puvodni zacatek 1. vety = original beginning of the 1st movement : rhapsody for orchestra (7:43) -- Pravy vylet pana Broucka do mesice : dohra k 1. casti opery = The true excursion of Mr. Broucek to the moon : postlude to the 1st part of the opera (10:30) -- Ziva mrtvola : fragment 1. dejstvi opery = The living corpse : fragment of the 1st act of the opera (6:10) -- Pochod modracku = March of the blue boys (2:03) -- Cekam te! = Waiting for you! : sketch for piano (:50).
