

孟德爾頌神劇 : 聖保羅-從掃羅到保羅 =F. Mendelssohn Oratorio :St.Paul from Saul to Paul / 侯龍國指揮; 黃菁菁鋼琴; 李珮琨女高音; 倪百聰男低音; 袁長穗男高音; 翁若珮女中音演出.



曲目 : 1.使徒行傳四:24.26.29.-- 2.聖詠.-- 3.使徒行傳四:32,六: 4.使徒行傳六:11,五:28,六:14.-- 5.使徒行傳六:15,七:1.56, 使徒行傳二十一:36 ,利未二十四:16.-- 6.馬太福音二十三:37.-- 7.使徒行傳七:57.58.-- 8.利未二十四:16.-- 9.聖詠.-- 10.使徒行傳八:3,九:1.-- 11.詩篇五十九:13,八十三:18,六十九:24.-- 12.使徒行傳九:2.-- 13.詩篇一一五:12,提摩太後書二:19,腓立比書:5.-- 14.<使徒行傳九:>.-- 14.<以賽亞六十:1.2.>.-- 15.<馬太二十五>.-- 16.<使徒行傳九:7.8.9.>.-- 17.<詩篇五十一:>.-- 18.<使徒行傳九:>.-- 19.<使徒行傳九:>.-- 20.<羅馬書十一:33>.-- 21.<啟示十一:15>.--23.<使徒行傳九:29>.-- 24.男聲二重唱.-- 25.<羅馬十:15.16.>.-- 26.<使徒行傳十三:4.5>.-- 27.<使徒行傳十三:45>.-- 28.<以賽亞四十三:2>.-- 29.<使徒行傳十三:46>.-- 30.<使徒行傳十三:47>.-- 31.<使徒行傳十四:8-11>.-- 32.<使徒行傳十四:11>.--33.<使徒行傳十四:14.十七:24, 耶利米十:14.15>.-- 35.<哥林多前書三:16.17>.-- 36.<使徒行傳十四:2.5>.-- 37.<使徒行傳二十一:28>.-- 39.<啟示錄二:10,耶利米一>.-- 40.<使徒行傳二十:>.-- 41.<馬太十六:22>.-- 42.<使徒行傳二十一:13,二十:36.38>.-- 42.<約翰一書三:1>.-- 43.<提摩太後書四>.-- 44.<提摩太後書四:8>. Program : 1."Lord,thou alone art god".-- 2."To God on high".-- 3."And the Many that believed".-- 4."Now this man ceaseth not".-- 5."And all that sat in thecouncil.-- 6."Jerusalem,thou that killest the prophets".-- 7."Then They ran upon him".-- 8."And they stoned him".-- 9."To thee, O lord".-- 10."And saul made havock of the church".-- 11."stone him to death".-- 12."Consume them all".-- 13."But the lord is mindful of his own".-- 14."The conservation".-- 14."rise!up!arise".-- 15."Sleepers,wake, a voice if calling".-- 16."And his companions".-- 17."O God have mercy".-- 18."And there was a disipla".-- 20."And ananias went his way".-- 21."O great is the depth".-- 22."The nations are now the lord's".-- 23."And Paul to the congregation".-- 24."Now we are ambassadors".-- 25."I will sing of thy great mercies".-- 26."How lovely are the messengers".-- 27."But when the jews".-- 28."Thus saith the lord".-- 29."But Paul and Barnabas spake freely".-- 30."For so hath the lord".-- 31."And there was a man at lystra".-- 32."the Gods themselves".-- 33."Now when the aoistles".-- 35."for know ye not".-- 36."Then the multitude".-- 37."This if jehovah`stemple".-- 39."Be thou faithful death".-- 40."And paul sent and called the elders".-- 41."Far be it from thy path".-- 42."See what love".-- 43."And though he be offered".-- 44."Not only unto him".
