![Kismet : original Broadway cast recording / [based on] music by Alexander Borodin ; musical adaptation & lyrics by Robert Wright & George Forrest ; [book by Charles Lederer & Luther Davis, based on the play by Edward Knoblock].](https://serv.npac-ntch.org/CD/26A/C026133.jpg)
天命 - 音樂劇原聲帶
- 題名: Kismet : original Broadway cast recording / [based on] music by Alexander Borodin ; musical adaptation & lyrics by Robert Wright & George Forrest ; [book by Charles Lederer & Luther Davis, based on the play by Edward Knoblock].
- 作者: Wright, Robert, 1914-2005. lyricist.
- 其他作者:
- Borodin, Aleksandr Porfirʹevich, 1833-1887. composer.
- Knoblock, Edward, 1874-1945. Kismet
- Forrest, George, 1915-1999, lyricist.
- Lederer, Charles, 1910-1976. librettist.
- Drake, Alfred, 1914-1992. performer.
- Morrow, Doretta, 1927-1968. performer.
- Kiley, Richard, 1922-1999. performer.
- Calvin, Henry, 1918-1975. performer.
- Diener, Joan. 1930-2006 performer.
- Adrian, Louis. 1901-1991 conductor.
- Gaige, Truman, 1906-2002. performer.
- Oneto, Richard performer.
- Hackett, Hal. performer.
- Lessing, Florence. performer.
- Kraft, Beatrice. performer.
- Dare, Thelma. performer.
- Andonian, Lucy. performer.
- Cardoni, Gerald. performer.
- Smith, Kirby. performer.
- Strane, Ralph. performer.
- Polacek, Louis. performer.
- Ling, Jack Mei. performer.
- MacVeigh, Earle. performer.
- Lamont, Robert. performer.
- Silva, Rodolfo. performer.
- Dodds, Jack. performer.
- Wilder, Marc. performer.
- Coolidge, Philip. performer.
- Ferry, Stephen. performer.
- Reeves, Steve. performer.
- Lamm, Mario. performer.
- Weidemann, John. performer.
- Dunn, Patricia. performer.
- Evans, Bonnie. performer.
- Sato, Reiko. performer.
- Ohmart, Carol. performer.
- Palmer, Joyce. performer.
- Stahl, Sandra. performer.
- Jackson, Lila. performer.
- Vine, Richard. performer.
- O'Connell, Ann. performer.
- Stuart, Lynne. performer.
- Slate, Barbara. performer.
- Adams, Neile. performer.
- 其他題名:
- 天命 - 音樂劇原聲帶
- Columbia Broadway masterworks
- 出版: New York, NY : Sony Music Entertainment [2000].
- 叢書名: Columbia Broadway masterworks , 百老匯首演卡司系列 ;22
- 主題: Musicals.
- URL:
- 一般註:Musical in 2 acts; includes bonus tracks. Originally released as Columbia ML 4850, Dec. 1953; the bonus tracks previously unreleased. Program notes by George Dale, from original liner, and Didier C. Deutsch, including synopsis (11 p. : ill.) inserted in container.
- 演出者註:Alfred Drake, Doretta Morrow, Richard Kiley, Henry Calvin, Joan Diener, Truman Gaige, Richard Oneto, Hal Hackett, Florence Lessing, Beatrice Kraft, Thelma Dare, Lucy Andonian, Gerald Cardoni, Kirby Smith, Jack Mei Ling, Earle MacVeigh, Robert Lamont, Rodolfo Silva, Jack Dodds, Marc Wilder, Philip Coolidge, Tom Charlesworth, Stephen Ferry, Steve Reeves, Mario Lamm, John Weidemann, Patricia Dunn, Bonnie Evans, Reiko Sato, Carol Ohmart, Joyce Palmer, Sandra Stahl, Lila Jackson, Richard Vine, Ann O'Connell, Lynne Stuart, Barbara Slate, Neile Adams ; with supporting singers and orchestra ; Louis Adrian, conductor.
- 系統號: 005135204 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 本CD附件
音樂劇版《天命》的天命是由一齣1911耶誕節在倫敦首演的同名舞台劇改編而來;此原版舞台劇深獲多位電影製作人好感,在1930、1942都曾搬上大螢 幕;而在此音樂劇版於1953年推出後,更又在1955年被改編為電影。
本劇的兩位作詞者羅伯‧萊特(Robert Wright)與喬治‧佛洛斯特(George Forrest)改編此一故事時有鑑於故事背景的濃厚易國色彩,於是從古典音樂中俄國國民樂派「五人組」之一的包羅定作品借了多首作品的旋律改編,不足的 部分在由兩人補上。包羅定的音樂果然不同凡響,使得本劇在1954年的東尼獎除了最佳音樂劇吉最佳男主角外還拿下了最佳音樂獎。劇中援用的旋律出處包括包 羅定第一號、第二號交響曲、歌劇《伊果王子》、交響舞曲《韃靼舞曲》、《中亞細亞草原》、鋼琴曲《夜曲》、D大調弦樂四重奏等,使得全劇甜美旋律豐沛湧 現、源源不絕,而對於已聽聞過上述曲目的樂迷們更帶來耳目一新的感覺。
Overture ; Sands of time (5:12) -- Rhymes have I (2:45) -- Fate (2:29) -- Bazaar of the caravans (1:11) -- Not since Nineveh (3:05) -- Baubles, bangles and beads (4:09) -- Stranger in paradise (4:08) -- He's in love! (2:24) -- Gesticulate (4:20) -- Night of my nights (3:37) -- Was I Wazir? (2:15) -- Rahadlakum (4:27) -- And this is my beloved (4:42) -- The olive tree (2:37) -- Zubbediya, Samahris' dance (2:43) -- Finale : Sands of time (3:02) -- Bonus tracks. In the studio (3:14) ; Interviews with Alfred Drake, Doretta Morrow and George Forrest (2:42).