

編舞家馬丁‧施勒夫 - 紀錄片


來自瑞士的馬丁.施勒夫,風格不定與多樣化是他的獨到之處。身兼劇院舞蹈總監的他,在編舞與經營上都秉持「三不」原則:不墨守成規,不迎合觀眾,不拘泥於形式。去年,多位歐洲資深舞評家受柏林Tanz舞蹈雜誌之邀票選「年度編舞家」,施勒夫因其「不斷尋找與改變創作風格的不妥協態度」,被認為「是無法估量、不隨波逐流的編舞家」而雀屏中選。(摘自《PAR表演藝術》 第219期 / 2011年03月號 )


來自瑞士的馬丁.施勒夫,風格不定與多樣化是他的獨到之處。身兼劇院舞蹈總監的他,在編舞與經營上都秉持「三不」原則:不墨守成規,不迎合觀眾,不拘泥於形式。去年,多位歐洲資深舞評家受柏林Tanz舞蹈雜誌之邀票選「年度編舞家」,施勒夫因其「不斷尋找與改變創作風格的不妥協態度」,被認為「是無法估量、不隨波逐流的編舞家」而雀屏中選。(摘自《PAR表演藝術》 第219期 / 2011年03月號 ) Martin Schläpfer is one of the most important dance creators in Europe and on the verge of enjoying a huge international career with his Ballett am Rhein company. The press and audiences are full of praise: “Sensitive, stunning, masterly, intelligent – everybody is moved.” The awards keep piling up. Schläpfer has been voted as “Choreographer of the Year” in 2010 and his Ballett am Rhein as the “best company of the year” by the specialist magazine “tanz” for the third time in succession. In 2015 he won the “Duisburger Musikpreis”. The Ballett am Rhein troupe is not only a major attraction for Düsseldorf, but also far beyond this region; it has an unsettling and pleasing effect at the same time and reaches the most diverse target groups and audiences, both in Germany and abroad. The tour plan in 2014 included Muscat in Oman; and there was a guest appearance in Moscow and Tel Aviv for the first time in 2015. Schläpfer’s ballet is easily the “most exciting company in Germany” in the eyes of Manuel Brug (“Die Welt” broadsheet).(摘自http://feuerbewahren.de/keep-the-flame.html)
