



★ 雅諾薇茲,女高音 / 羅賽爾─瑪伊丹,女低音 / 克曼特,男高音 / 貝瑞,低男中音
★ 卡拉揚指揮 / 柏林愛樂與維也納合唱團
☆ 24 bit / 96 kHz remastering
「交響曲」發源於十八世紀初的義大利,剛開始的功能只是歌劇演出前的三樂章序曲。約在1740年代早期,奧地利作曲家蒙恩在終樂章前加上小步舞曲樂章後, 大致勾勒出古典時期交響曲的模式;後來的海頓、莫札特與貝多芬則分別為交響曲奠基、發展與提升到頂峰。貝多芬的交響曲雖然只有九首,數量遠低於海頓的一○ 四首與莫札特的四十一首,然而進入二十世紀以後,這九部創作年代橫跨古典與浪漫時期的交響曲卻仍舊是同曲式裡屹立不搖的標竿。 一百多年來,人們對貝多芬九首交響曲的喜愛不因時間的更迭而有所改變,它們也成為往後交響曲發展最重要的基石。
卡拉揚與柏林愛樂在DG一共留下三套貝多芬交響曲全集錄音,但是不論是指揮、樂團或是錄音效果,對於許多資深愛樂者而且 ,1960年代的版本是其中最傑出的。除了風格的整體性,它同時具備了洗練高雅、銳利的情感與懾人的張力,被《企鵝評鑑》評為「閃耀著無比光芒的絕佳演 出」。
這一套藍光CD專輯重新1960年代的貝多芬交響曲全集,除了母帶重新以24 bit / 96 kHz高解析度重新後製,足以重現卡拉揚聲譽輝煌的黃金歲月聲響。最後特別收錄第九號交響曲《合唱》的排練實況,對於愛樂者更是一大福音。(摘自博客來網 站http://www.books.com.tw)


"This classic 1963 set of Beethoven's complete symphonies is one of the most celebrated ever. It is now presented in High Definition on one Pure Audio Blu-ray disc remastered at 24-bit/96 kHz. The deluxe package features original cover art, original documentation in facsimile--including a Karajan letter and recording logs--and rare Karajan photos"--Container. "The Legendary 1963 Karajan Beethoven Symphonies ON ONE DISC. 1 Blu-Ray Audio for true 24-Bit/96kHz. Karajan recorded the Complete Symphonies of Beethoven no fewer than 4 times for DG, but this first 1963 recording was financially the most daring, artistically the most radical, and commercially the most successful. "By 1973 nearly one million sets had been sold. 50 years on from its original launch, the set remains the best-selling Beethoven cycle of all time. The 1963 Berlin set dazzled like no other, aided in no small measure by the clean, clear, daringly lit recordings made in Berlins Jesus-Christus-Kirche by the young Gunter Hermanns whose debut as Karajans principal recording engineer this was. Critics and the record-buying public were enthused above all by the urgency and beauty of the music-making and by a fierce sense of joy which reached its apogee in a thrillingly played and eloquently sung account of the finale of the epic Ninth Symphony"--Amazon.com. 卡拉揚與柏林愛樂在DG一共留下三套貝多芬交響曲全集錄音,但是不論是指揮、樂團或是錄音效果,對於許多資深愛樂者而且 ,1960年代的版本是其中最傑出的。除了風格的整體性,它同時具備了洗練高雅、銳利的情感與懾人的張力,被《企鵝評鑑》評為「閃耀著無比光芒的絕佳演出」。這一套藍光CD專輯重新1960年代的貝多芬交響曲全集,除了母帶重新以24 bit / 96 kHz高解析度重新後製,足以重現卡拉揚聲譽輝煌的黃金歲月聲響。最後特別收錄第九號交響曲《合唱》的排練實況,對於愛樂者更是一大福音。(摘自博客來網站http://www.books.com.tw)


Symphony No. 1 in C major, op. 21 (25:06) -- Symphony No. 2 in D major, op. 36 (31:14) -- Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, op. 55 "Eroica" (50:00) -- No. 4 in B flat major, op. 60 (31:09) -- Symphony No. 5 in C minor, op. 67 (31:09) -- Symphony No. 6 in F major, op. 68 "Pastoral" (35:53) -- Symphony No. 7 in A major, op. 92 (33:52) -- Symphony No. 8 in F major, op. 93 (26:37) -- Symphony No. 9 in D minor, op.125 -- Symphony No. 9 in D minor, op.125 : rehearsal: allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso (8:23) -- No. 9 adagio molto e cantabile (9:29) -- No. 9 presto (11:24) / Ludwig van Beethoven.
