



魯道夫‧紐瑞耶夫(Rudolf Nureyev,1938年3月17日-1993年1月6日) 蘇聯時代的著名芭蕾舞蹈家。他卓越的舞技為舞蹈界開闢了全新的領域,並扭轉芭蕾舞中男舞者僅作陪襯的現象,提升了男舞者的地位。
《羅密歐與茱莉葉》是紐瑞耶夫最具代表性的舞作,他與瑪歌‧芳婷曾經首演過編舞家麥克米倫所編的《羅密歐與茱莉葉》,是芭蕾史上的經典舞碼。(摘自國家兩 廳院臉書粉絲團)
Produced in 1966, this film is an invaluable account of the artistic alchemy which formed the Fonteyn-Nureyev legend.
Juliet: Margot Fonteyn
Romeo: Rudolf Nureyev
This film is the famed Royal Ballet production of Romeo and Juliet. This historical performance stars Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev as the quintessential stage lovers. It captures the greatest dance partnership of our century at the peak of their careers.
It's not a stretch to call Rudolf Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn the most sublime of all dance partners and Sergei Prokofiev the most gifted 20th-century ballet composer. And so it goes without saying that the 1966 film version of the Royal Ballet production of Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet featuring Nureyev and Fonteyn as the star-crossed lovers is an absolute must-have for anyone who cares a whit about the art. Director Paul Czinner has made all the right moves, alternating between full shots of the performers with long shots that accentuate how Kenneth MacMillan's fastidious choreography is inexorably linked to the characters, their story, the elaborate sets, and the viewer. Nicholas Georgiadis's costumes are sumptuous without being overdone, the supporting dancers and ensemble are as exquisite as the leads, and John Lanchbery conducts the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House with just the right mixture of joviality and tragedy that Prokofiev's classic score needs but doesn't always receive. --Kevin Filipski


This is the famed Royal Ballet production featuring Nureyev and Fonteyn at the peak of their careers. Includes scene-by-scene synopsis and biographies of Nureyev, Fonteyn, and Prokofiev. 魯道夫‧紐瑞耶夫(Rudolf Nureyev,1938年3月17日-1993年1月6日) 蘇聯時代的著名芭蕾舞蹈家。他卓越的舞技為舞蹈界開闢了全新的領域,並扭轉芭蕾舞中男舞者僅作陪襯的現象,提升了男舞者的地位。 《羅密歐與茱莉葉》是紐瑞耶夫最具代表性的舞作,他與瑪歌‧芳婷曾經首演過編舞家麥克米倫所編的《羅密歐與茱莉葉》,是芭蕾史上的經典舞碼。(摘自國家兩廳院臉書粉絲團)

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