

Rieu royale : coronation concert live in Amsterdam 皇家加冕音樂會


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節目一開始以百人樂團演出「加冕華爾滋」, 獻上安德烈˙瑞歐最高敬意。演出當中還有非常重要的兩個角色:其中一個是老牌創作歌手Andre Van Duin獻上一首「Willempie van Oranje」,為新任國王與皇后讚美歌頌;另一位則是阿姆斯特丹舞台劇名歌手Martijn Fischer演唱舞台劇抒情名曲「Zij Gelooft in Mij」(She Believes In Me)與「Het Laatste Rondje」(It’s My Life)。為音樂會增添迷人色彩。
其他還有「Second Waltz」、「The Beautiful Blue Danube」等圓舞曲,再加上以阿姆斯特丹為主題的「Amsterdam Medley」,歌劇以唱大會串的「Opera Potpourri」,一連串的驚奇與驚喜,在這一百分鐘的音樂會裏,讓您一如親臨現場般地充滿喜悅與快活。


The most beautiful day of my musical career and the crowning glory of my work! This is how Andre Rieu himself describes the concert he gave in Amsterdam with his Johann Strauss Orchestra to close the festivities around a historic event: the investiture of King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima. In front of an audience of tens of thousands of cheering people, he gave a Coronation Concert on 30 April 2013 on Museum Square in Amsterdam. For anyone who was not able to get to Amsterdam on that day, the live recording of this festive concert offers you the chance of feeling you were there. A unique concert, naturally with the Coronation Waltz that Andre Rieu wrote especially for the occasion, fabulous images of the new King and Queen, the formal investiture, the lovely young princesses, an emotional musical thank-you to the abdicating Queen Beatrix and an ecstatic audience who by the end no longer knew whether they were singing for the new King or for the king of the waltz. It was one great big Orange party! As well as the Coronation Concert of over 90 minutes, the DVD includes an interview with Andre Rieu in which he explains how he came to receive the honour of this invitation and how he looked forward to this very special day. You can see the preparations for the concert and feel yourself at Andre's side as the tension rises in the run-up to the coronation concert. Finally you can see pictures of Andre meeting King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima at the Royal Palace.


Coronation Waltz -- Wilhelmus (National Anthem) -- Time to say goodbye -- Willempie van Oranje -- Amsterdam medley -- Zij gelooft in mij (she believes in me) -- Second waltz -- Don't cry for me Argentina -- The beautiful Blue Danube -- Radetzky March -- Strauss & Co. -- Libiamo, arv_10 -- Children's medley -- Opera potpourri -- Zorba's dance (sirtak) -- The Red Rose Cafe -- Amazing Grace -- Adieu, little captain of my heart -- Het laatste rondje (it's my life) -- You'll never walk alone.
