

布魯克納 第6號交響曲


Since taking up his post as principal conductor of the Dresden Staatskapelle in 2012, Christian Thielemann has launched each new concert season with a Bruckner symphony. In autumn 2015 he choose for the opening concert at Dresden’s historic Semperoper the Sixth, and for the Sächsische Zeitung this performance marked “another Bruckner triumph for Dresden”. Thielemann once more “conjured up the most magical of sonorities” and “the orchestra played magnificently under him“. (Der Neue Merker)
[摘自CMajor https://www.cmajor-entertainment.com/movie/bruckner-symphony-no-6-738304/]
The film presentation is traditional: this is a straightforward film of a concert performance, blessedly free of any gimmickry. The pictures are sharp and always relevant to what we are hearing. The Blu-ray sound is excellent. In every respect this is a very distinguished account of Bruckner's Sixth. --Music Web International, Apr'17
...the playing of the Staatskapelle Dresden is everything one could wish for...Melodic lines and inner voices are beautifully articulated, and the blending of the brass is an art form in itself. Thielemann, conducting from memory, leads a well-paced and unmannered reading of the score, attentive as always to Bruckner's dynamic contrasts...The camerawork includes a number of interior views of the Semperoper as the orchestra plays, which helps create the impression of being at the performance. --Gramophone, April'17
[摘自Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bruckner-Staatskapelle-Christian-Thielemann-Entertainment/dp/B01N0Q2Q8Y]


Symphony no. 6 in A major / Bruckner.
