拉赫曼尼諾夫作品全集, Vol. 12-13. - 拉赫曼尼諾夫 聖約翰‧克利索斯頓的典禮
- 題名: Rachmaninoff edition : complete works / Vol. 12-13. Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff.
- 作者: Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943.
- 其他作者:
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943. Liturgii︠a︡ Svi︠a︡togo Ioanna Zlatousta
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943. V molitvakh neusypai︠u︡shchui︠u︡ Bogorodit︠s︡u
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943. Khor dukhov
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943. Panteleĭ-t︠s︡elitelʹ
- Gosudarstvennai︠a︡ akademicheskai︠a︡ simfonicheskai︠a︡ kapella Rossii. Khor performer.
- Brilliant Classics (Firm)
- 其他題名:
- Works
- Complete works
- 拉赫曼尼諾夫作品全集
- 拉赫曼尼諾夫 聖約翰‧克利索斯頓的典禮, 作品31
- 出版: [Leeuwarden, Netherlands] : Brilliant Classics [2008].
- 叢書名: Rachmaninoff edition ;CD12 , Rachmaninoff edition ;CD13
- 主題: Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts), Unaccompanied. , Communion service music.
- URL:
- 一般註:First act of an unfinished opera, completed, orchestrated, and translated into English by Igor Buketoff. CD-ROM includes "The Lonely Romantic", an essay by Julian Haylock, in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. "This set contains the officially published works with an opus number, and does not contain incomplete/unfinished works, complete alternative versions, and arrangements of works."--Container. Bonus discs contain historic recordings from 1929 through 1969 by the composer and other significant performers of his work.
- 演出者註:Russian State Symphony Cappella ; Valery Polyansky, conductor.
- 系統號: 005138779 | 機讀編目格式

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謝爾蓋·瓦西里耶維奇·拉赫曼尼諾夫(俄語:Серге́й Васи́льевич Рахма́нинов,英語:Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff,1873年4月1日-1943年3月28日)是一位出生於俄國的作曲家、指揮家及鋼琴演奏家,1943年臨終前入美國籍。拉氏是20世紀最偉大的鋼琴家之一。他的作品甚富俄國色彩,充滿激情、旋律優美,其鋼琴作品更是以難度見稱。
Disc 12-13 : Liturgy of St. John Chrysostum : op. 31 -- O Mother of God vigilantly praying : sacred concerto for 4-part unacc. choir -- Chorus of spirits : for 4-part unacc. choir -- Penteley the healer : for 4-part unacc. choir [words, A.K. Tolstoy] / Rachmaninoff.