白遼士 幻想交嚮曲
- 題名: Symphonie fantastique ; Les Francs-juges--overture / Berlioz. Il barbiere di Siviglia--overture / Rossini. J.S. Bach, Sousa, Smith, Downs.
- 其他作者:
- Solti, Valerie, 1937- writer of added commentary.
- Burton, Humphrey, 1931- writer of added commentary.
- Villella, Frank writer of added commentary.
- Minton, Yvonne, 1938- writer of added commentary.
- Gilmer, Martha writer of added commentary.
- Solti, Georg, 1912-1997. conductor, writer of added commentary.
- Stock, Frederick, 1872-1942. arranger of music.
- Boudreau, John T. arranger of music.
- Smith, John Stafford, 1750-1836. composer.
- Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Symphonie fantastique
- Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Francs-juges. Ouverture
- Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868. Barbiere di Siviglia. Sinfonia
- Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932. Stars and stripes forever
- Hoffman, Al, 1902-1960. Bear down, Chicago bears; arranged
- Chicago Symphony Chorus singer.
- 其他題名:
- Star-spangled banner (Song)
- 蕭提&芝加哥交響樂團錄音全集
- 白遼士 幻想交嚮曲
- 白遼士 法蘭西法官序曲
- Solti Chicago ;
- 出版: European Union : [manufacturer not identified] ℗2017.
- 叢書名: Solti Chicago : the complete recordings ;CD 16
- 主題: Chicago Bears (Football team)--Songs and music. , Symphonies. , Operas--Excerpts. , Overtures. , Suites (Orchestra)--Excerpts. , Marches (Orchestra) , National songs. , Football--Songs and music. , Fight songs.
- URL:
- 一般註:The 2nd-3rd works are opera overtures ; the 4th work is an excerpt from a suite for orchestra ; the 5th and 7th works are marches, the 7th with chorus. Title from disc label. Originally released in November 1972 as SXL 6571 ℗1972 (1st work), in October 1974 as SXLP 6684 ℗1973 (2nd work), in October 1973 as SXL 6581 ℗1973 (3rd work), in 1974 as DPM1 0444 ℗1975 (4th work), and in May 1986 as 417 492.7 ℗1987 (5th-7th works) Decca Music Group Limited. "Solti Decca silver jubilee recording"--Container. Issued in 2017 as part of a 108-disc boxed set. Book with track information and program notes by Georg Solti, Valerie Solti, Humphrey Burton, Frank Villella, Yvonne Minton and Martha Gilmer in English with German translation (180 pages : photographs) accompanies set.
- 演出者註:Chicago Symphony Chorus (track 11) ; Chicago Symphony Orchestra ; Sir Georg Solti, conductor.
- 語文註:Sung in English (final work).
- 系統號: 005141476 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 佳佳唱片 網站
為紀念20世紀最偉大的指揮之一蕭提爵士(Sir Georg Solti, 1912 - 1997)逝世20週年,以及慶賀芝加哥交響樂團創立125週年,DECCA特別推出這套包含108張CD,收錄大師與樂團合作的完整錄音全集。
芝加哥交響是全美最優秀的樂團,由芝加哥商人諾曼.費(Charles Norman Fay)在1891年提議成立,並請來當時最著名的指揮湯瑪斯(Theodore Thomas)擔任音樂總監。1905年由史托克(Frederick Stock)繼任,由於他高瞻遠矚的長久經營策略,為樂團打下穩固的基礎。後又有杜佛(Désiré Defauw)、羅金斯基(Artur Rodziński)和庫貝利克(Rafael Kubelík)分別帶領過。1953年由素以指揮精準嚴厲著稱的萊納接任該團總監,在他嚴格的訓練下,樂團可說脫胎換骨,發出一種精練準確,又兼有華麗細緻的聲音,所謂「芝加哥交響樂風格」就是萊納領導的十年中建立起來的。1969年蕭提接任、1991年由巴倫波因(Daniel Barenboim)繼任,目前則由慕提(Riccardo Muti)執掌。
摘自 博客來音樂館 網站
Symphonie fantastique : op. 14 (53:07) ; Les Francs-juges : overture, op. 3 (11:39) / Hector Berlioz -- Il barbiere di Siviglia : overture / Gioacchino Rossini (7:04) -- Suite no. 3 in D major, BWV 1068 : Air / J.S. Bach (5:16) -- The stars and stripes forever / John Philip Sousa (3:32) -- The star-spangled banner / John Stafford Smith ; arranged by Stock (1:29) -- Bear down, Chicago Bears / Jerry Downs [that is, Al Hoffman]; arranged by Boudreau (1:28).