Birdmen and Birdsongs : a tribute to Charlie Parker. Vol. 2 /
- 題名: Birdmen and Birdsongs : a tribute to Charlie Parker. Vol. 2 / produced by Ben Sidran and Clive Woods ; directed by Stanley Dorfman.
- 其他作者:
- McShann, Jay, 1916-2006. Hootie's blues
- Parker, Charlie, 1920-1955. Now's the time
- Parker, Charlie, 1920-1955. Billie's bounce
- Parker, Charlie, 1920-1955. Parker's mood
- Akst , Harry, 1894-1963. What price love
- Davis, Benny, 1895-1979. What price love
- Dennis, Matt, 1914-2002. Everything happens to me
- Adair, Tom, 1913-1988. Everything happens to me
- Porter, Cole, 1891-1964. Gay divorce. Night and day
- Basie, Count, 1904-1984. Jumpin' at the woodside
- Parker, Charlie, 1920-1955. Repetition
- Johnston, Arthur, 1898-1954. Belle of the Nineties. My old flame
- Coslow, Sam, 1902-1982. Belle of the Nineties. My old flame
- Parker, Charlie, 1920-1955. Steeplechase
- Woods, Phil, 1931-2015. All bird's children
- Sidran, Ben
- Woods, Clive
- Dorfman, Stanley
- Woods, Phil, 1931-2015.
- Gilmore, Steve, 1943-
- Galper, Hal, 1938-
- Goodwin, Bill,
- Phil Woods Quartet
- Jon Hendricks & Company (Musical group)
- 其他題名:
- Tribute to Charlie Parker
- Jazz legends (Storyville Films)
- 出版: [United States] : Storyville ©2003, 1990.
- 叢書名: Jazz legends (Storyville Films)
- 主題: Jazz.
- URL:
- 一般註:DV065695為1區(美國區域碼), 請使用全區DVD機播放 ; 4:3
- 演出者註:Phil Woods Quartet (Phil Woods, alto sax ; Steve Gilmore, baritone sax ; Hal Galper, piano ; Bill Goodwin, drums) (1st-2nd works) ; Jon Hendricks Group (remaining works).
- 系統號: 005142688 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 博客來音樂館 網站 -
帕克在紐約的演奏轟動了整個爵士樂界,他的演奏技巧極為高超,當年他和暈眩葛拉斯比即興應答全速狂飆的時候,所有人都聽傻了,不敢相信世上有這樣的超人,在他之後十多年,幾乎沒有任何爵士樂手能逃脫他的影響,評論家曾如此形容帕克的地位:「他走入爵士樂界,就像是踏入一個滿是鏡子的房間,每一個樂手都反映出他的一小部分。」就在帕克的技巧與創作能力登上高峰的時候,他吸毒酗酒的惡習也日趨嚴重,終其一生都未能戒除,對他的健康造成極大傷害,綽號「小鳥」的帕克1955年剛結束在鳥園(Birdland)的演出(這個爵士樂俱樂部是因他而命名的),就以35歲之齡病逝紐約,檢查的醫生認為他身體衰老的程度遠遠超過實際年齡,帕克逝世,對當時的爵士樂迷來說是無可彌補的巨大損失,消息傳出,一些悲痛的樂迷在紐約四處貼標語、噴漆,講的都是同一句話:「小鳥為吾輩而死!」,對他們來說,帕克的音樂是和耶穌基督一樣崇高的救贖。蓋棺論定來談帕克對爵士樂的影響,可能他當年的室友兼樂團伙伴邁爾士戴維斯講的最傳神:「沒有小鳥,爵士樂根本不是現在這個樣子!」 推薦CD : The Charlie Parker Story Savoy Charlie Parker with Strings Verve Bird’s Best Bop on Verve Verve。
Hootie's blues / J. McShann -- Now is the time / C. Parker -- Billy's bounce / C. Parker -- Parker's mood / C. Parker -- What price love / Akst, Davis -- Everything happens to me / Dennis -- Night and day / Cole Porter -- Jumpin' at the Woodside / Count Basie -- Repetition / C. Parker -- My old flame / Arthur Johnston ; Sam Coslow -- Steeplechase / C. Parker -- All Bird's children / P. Woods.