The Savoy collection : from the famous Savoy jazz archives. Disc 12.
- 作者: Garner, Erroll, 1921-1977.
- 其他作者:
- Marks, Gerald, 1900-1997. All of me
- Simons, Seymour, 1896-1949. All of me
- Arlen, Harold, 1905-1986. Wizard of Oz. Over the rainbow
- Harburg, E. Y. (Edgar Yipsel), 1896-1981. Wizard of Oz. Over the rainbow
- Hudson, Will, 1908-1981. Moonglow
- Mills, Irving, 1894-1985. Moonglow
- Arlen, Harold, 1905-1986. Stormy weather
- Koehler, Ted, 1894-1973. Stormy weather
- Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. Lady, be good! Man I love
- Gershwin, Ira, 1896-1983. Lady, be good! Lady, be good
- Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979. Boys from Syracuse. This can't be love
- Hart, Lorenz, 1895-1943. Boys from Syracuse. This can't be love
- McHugh, Jimmy, 1894-1969. International revue. On the sunny side of the street
- Fields, Dorothy, 1905-1974. International revue. On the sunny side of the street
- Porter, Cole, 1891-1964. Rosalie
- Garner, Erroll, 1921-1977. Jumpin' at the deuces
- Moret, Neil, 1878-1943. She's funny that way
- Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. She's funny that way
- Robin, Sid, 1912-1985. Undecided
- Williams, Hugh, 1904-1969 Red Sails in the sunset
- Kennedy, Jimmy, 1902-1984. Red sails in the sunset
- Robison, Willard, 1894-1968. Cottage for sale
- Conley, Larry. Cottage for sale
- Mencher, Murray, 1898-1991. I want a little girl
- Moll, Billy. I want a little girl
- Chaplin, Saul, 1912-1997. Until the real thing comes along
- Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993. Until the real thing comes along
- Holiner, Mann, 1897-1958. Until the real thing comes along
- Dennis, Matt, 1914-2002. Everything happens to me
- Adair, Tom, 1913-1988. Everything happens to me
- Malneck, Matty, 1903-1981. Stairway to the stars
- Parish, Mitchell, 1900-1993. Stairway to the stars
- Signorelli, Frank, 1901-1975. Stairway to the stars
- Dougherty, Doc. Confessin'
- Reynolds, Ellis. I'm confessin' (That I love you)
- 出版: [Leeuwarden, Netherlands] : Brilliant Jazz Ⓟ2007.
- 叢書名: The Savoy recordings
- 主題: Jazz.
- URL:
- 一般註:Title from box.
- 演出者註:Various performers.
- 系統號: 005146562 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 上揚唱片 網站 - Erroll Garner - 在每一份重要而具有影響力的爵士樂鋼琴家的名單上,必然都有艾羅‧嘉納的名字在上面。如果您要的是原創而抒情的風格,和容易感染給別人的節奏感,以及真正的爵士樂天才在演奏特有標準曲目時獨特的即興絕技,那麼可就與嘉納的生命和藝術分隔不開了。對嘉納而言,音樂總是不斷地湧現。嘉納於1923年6月15日生於賓州樂訓練,但卻因他有一對金耳朵和不可思議的聽覺記憶而作罷。他的新風格和原有風格的發展,形成對現代爵士鋼琴一股有力的影響。七歲時,嘉納已定期出現在匹茲堡的廣播電台KDKA頻道上;十一歲時,他已能代替在阿利根尼河(Allegheny)上演奏的鋼琴家演出。在他青少年初期便已在匹茲堡及其週邊的酒店、夜總會和飯店演出,而且通常都是獨奏。四0年代初期,嘉納前往紐約,在當地繁榮的夜總會展露頭角。1950年三月二十七日,嘉納成為第一位在音樂廳舉辦整場獨奏會的爵士鋼琴演奏家,他在克里夫蘭音樂廳(TheMusicHallinCleveland)的獨奏贏得樂評的激賞及聽眾的起立喝采。接著,他成功地成為美國境內許多管弦樂團競相邀約的客席獨奏家,而他的即興演出,更成為國際巡迴演出的高潮。最值得注意的是,嘉納是第一位,也是唯一一位在古典音樂經紀人索爾‧胡洛克(SolHurok)保護下巡迴演出的爵士樂音樂家;索爾‧胡洛克在1956年到1962年間,為嘉納安排音樂會演出事宜。嘉納的演奏、作曲事業在美國很自然而不斷地興盛起來,幾乎長達四十載。
Disc 12: Errol Garner part 2: All of me / Gerald Marks ; Seymour Simons -- Over the rainbow/ Harold Arlen ; Yip Harburg -- Moonglow / Will Hudson ; Irving Mills -- Stormy weather / Harold Arlen ; Ted Koehler -- The man I love / George Gershwin ; Ira Gershwin -- This can't be love / Richard Rodgers ; Lorenz Hart -- On the sunny side of the street / Jimmy McHugh ; Dorothy Fields -- Rosalie / Rosalie Porter -- Dark eyes -- Jumpin'at the deuces / Erroll Garner -- She's funny that way / Neil Moret ; Richard Whiting -- Undecided / Sid Robin ; Charlie Shavers -- Red sails in the sunset / Hugh Williams ; Jimmy Kennedy -- A cottage for sale / Willard Robison ; Larry Conley -- I want a little girl / Murray Mencher ; Billy Moll -- Until the real thing comes along / Sammy Cahn ; Saul Chaplin -- Everything happens to me / Matt Dennis ; Tom Adair -- A stairway to the stars / Matty Malneck ; Frank Signorelli ; Mitchell Parish -- I'm confessin'that I love you / Doc Daugherty ; Ellis Reynolds