Palestrina /
- 題名: Palestrina / music and libretto by Hans Pfitzner ; a performance of the Bayerische Staatsoper ; a production in cooperation with the Staatsoper Hamburg ; producer, Magdalena Herbst ; a production of Unitel Classica in cooperation with Bayerische Staatsoper.
- 作者: Pfitzner, Hans Erich, 1869-1949.
- 其他作者:
- Stückl, Christian, 1961-
- Fibich, Karina
- Herbst, Magdalena
- Young, Simone, 1961-
- Ventris, Christopher, 1965-
- Rose, Peter, 1961-
- Volle, Michael, 1960-
- Daszak, John, 1967-
- Bracht, Roland, 1952-
- Struckmann, Falk, 1958-
- Karg, Christiane, 1980-
- Pfitzner, Hans Erich, 1869-1949. Palestrina
- Bayerisches Staatsorchester
- Bayerische Staatsoper München.
- Hamburgische Staatsoper
- Unitel Classica (Firm)
- EuroArts Music International GmbH
- 其他題名:
- Making of Palestrina.
- 普菲茨納 帕勒斯提那 - 歌劇
- 出版: [Leipzig, Germany] : EuroArts 2019.
- 主題: Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 1525?-1594.--Drama. , Operas. , Composers.--Italy--16th century--Drama. , Music.--Italy--16th century--Religious aspects--Drama. , Mass (Music)--Italy--Drama. , Composition (Music)--Drama.
- URL:
- 一般註:DV06711-DV06712 為全區區碼DVD ; 英德西萄法文字幕 ; 16:9 Program notes and synopsis (15 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.) in English, German, and French inserted in container. Musical legend in three acts. Special features include Making of "Palestrina" (Werkeinführung zu "Palestrina") (9:00).
- 製作群註:Stage director, Christian Stückl ; video director, Karina Fibich ; Stage and costume design, Stefan Hageneier ; director of photography, Helmut Fibich.
- 演出者註:Christopher Ventris (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina) ; Peter Rose (Pope Pius IV) ; Michael Volle (Ciovanni Morone) ; John Daszak (Bernardo Novagerio) ; Roland Bracht (Cardinal Christoph Madruscht) ; Falk Struckmann (Carlo Borromeo) ; Christiane Karg (Ighino) ; chorus and extras of the Bayerischen Staatsoper ; Bayerisches Staatsorchester ; Simone Young, conductor.
- 語文註:Sung in German; optional subtitles in English, German, or French.
- 系統號: 005146982 | 機讀編目格式
摘自 佳佳唱片 網站 -
Written in a late-Romantic idiom, the opera tells how Palestrina, in the face of anti-musical decrees from the Church, composes his great Missa Papae Marcelli and becomes "the saviour of contrapuntal music."
DVD 1. Act 1 ; Bonus -- DVD 2. Act 2 ; Act 3.