City lights / RBC Films ; written and directed by Charles Chaplin.
- 其他作者:
- 其他題名:
- City lights (Motion picture)
- 城市之光 - 電影
- 出版: Burbank, CA : MK2 Editions :Distributed by Warner Home Video 2004.
- 主題: Man-woman relationships--Drama. , Silent films. , Comedy films. , Films for the hearing impaired. , Feature films. , Motion picture.
- URL:
- ISBN: 0790771659 、 9780790771656
- 一般註:DV06776為藍光版 Blu-ray disc ; 中英韓日文字幕 ; 另附1片DVD Originally released as a motion picture in 1931. Silent film with musical scores. Features: interactive menus, scene access, introduction by David Robinson, Chaplin today: city lights documentary by serge Bromberg with the participation of the animation artist and director Peter Lord, outtakes, The champion 1915 excerpt, shooting - on the set of the famous scene, Georgia Hale screen test, The dream prince - a discarded idea for how the flower girl imagines her benefactor, rehearsal, Chaplin and boxing stars, Winston Churchill's visit, Chaplin speaks!, trip to Bali, photo gallery, film posters, trailers.
- 製作群註:Director of photography, Rollie Totheroh, Gordon Pollock; music composed by Charles Chaplin.
- 演出者註:Charlie Chaplin, Virginia Cherrill, Florence Lee, Harry Myers, Allan Garcia, Hank Mann.
- 適用對象註:Charlie Chaplin, Virginia Cherrill, Florence Lee, Harry Myers, Allan Garcia, Hank Mann.
- 語文註:Special features in English, Spanish, or Portuguese with optional Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, or Thai subtitles and intertitles. Closed-captioned.
- 系統號: 005147303 | 機讀編目格式
摘自 佳佳唱片 網站 : 本片採用AK 4K超高畫質,數位修復技術製作。查理‧卓別林 自編自導自演經典代表作
城市裡有一座雕像正要揭幕,揭開布幕時卻發現流浪漢睡在上面,於是官員們立即趕走了他 ; 他身無分文,遇上了雙眼失明的賣花女,卻不忍袖手旁觀。他想盡辦法去湊足費用給賣花女治療眼睛。有一天,他救了一個百萬富翁,富翁和他稱兄道弟,本來打算向他求助,但富翁第二天清醒卻翻臉不認人。流浪漢為了湊足費只好去參加拳擊比賽,圖獲獎金卻輸得一敗塗地,這時又重遇富翁,二人不計前嫌,富翁也答應出錢資助賣花女。但那一千塊錢卻被強盜搶走。流浪漢奮不顧身的搶回錢,讓賣花女重見光明,自己卻因為誤會被警察押回警局坐牢。出獄後,他竟巧妙的與賣花女相認....
The little tramp loves a poor blind girl and, in his own bumbling way, raises the money for the operation which restores her sight.
Disc 1. The film (82 min.) -- Disc 2. Special features.
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