

La mégère apprivoisée = The taming of the shrew / a co-production by Telmondis and Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, with the participation of Mezzo and France Télévisions and with the support of the Maison Chopard Monaco ; choreography, Jean-Christophe Maillot ; music, Dmitri Shostakovich.


摘自 suzie - Plurk 網站 : 1969年,編舞大師約翰·克蘭科(John Cranko)將莎士比亞的《馴悍記》改編為芭蕾作品,成為芭蕾戲劇的經典之作,其中豐富的喜劇表演成為這部作品最難演繹也最吸引人的特色。2014年,蒙特卡洛芭蕾舞團藝術總監讓·克里斯多夫·馬約(Jean-Christophe Maillot)為莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團量身打造了新版《馴悍記》,選用多首蕭士塔高維契(Dmitri Shostakovich)的曲目作為配樂,完成了一部嶄新的「河東獅吼」。本劇也沿襲了馬約創作中慣有的舞臺美感、現代氣息和戲劇張力。
此版《馴悍記》首演後好評如潮,一舉拿下金面具獎三項大獎,包括最佳表演獎、最佳男舞者獎和最佳女舞者獎。由獲獎者、首席明星埃卡特琳娜·克雷薩諾娃(Ekaterina Krysanova)和弗拉季斯拉夫·蘭特拉托夫(Vladislav Lantratov)領銜演出,他們將這對水火不容的男女演繹得入木三分。同時,舞團首席舞者奧爾加·斯米爾諾娃(Olga Smirnova)、謝苗·丘金(Semyon Chudin)和維亞切斯拉夫·洛帕京(Vyacheslav Lopatin)也在劇中演出重要角色,演員陣容空前強大。


Jean-Christophe Maillot's inspired adaptation of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew won three Masques d'Ors (best choreographic show, best male dancer (Petruchio), and best female dancer (Katherine) and has toured the world to great acclaim since it was created for the Bolshoi in 2013. Now Maillot's own Monte Carlo Ballet brings this 'funny, fast-witted version' (The Guardian) to the screen, with a fresh and witty reinterpretation of the combative relationship between Katherine and Petruchio as they fight to find true love. Set against an inspired selection of some of Shostakovich's most memorable music, this is one of the finest 'Shakespeare ballets' and not to be missed. 'The Taming of the Shrew conveys the idea that there's someone for everyone, irrespective of who or what you are. Who can judge a relationship with an outside eye? Love works in mysterious ways, and it isn't for us to question it.' (Jean-Christophe Maillot).
