

And the bridge is love : Memories of a lifetime / Alma Mahler Werfel in collaboration with E.B. Ashton.



To become a legend in one's own time is a role granted to few, Seldom is the role played by a woman. And never has it been played by a woman like Alma Mahler. (成為一個時代的傳奇人物是少數人的角色,很少是由女性扮演的角色。而且從來沒有像阿爾瑪·馬勒這樣的女性演奏過它。) The daughter of Emil Schindler, esteemed painter to the Austro-Hungarin court, Alma Schindler was often called " the most beautiful girl in Vienna." Married to the world-famous composer and conductor Gustav Mahler at the age of 22,she left an old world of gracious but conventional traditions to enter a new one of turbulence, passion, and genius, It was a world she would never leave. (阿爾瑪·辛德勒是奧匈帝國宮廷著名畫家埃米爾·辛德勒的女兒,經常被稱為“維也納最美麗的女孩”。 22歲時,她嫁給了世界著名作曲家、指揮家古斯塔夫·馬勒,離開了一個親切而傳統的舊世界,進入了一個動盪、激情和天才的新世界,這是一個她永遠無法離開的世界。) Few woman have been as deeply involved with famous men. Four years after Mahler's death in 1911 she married Walter Gropius, who was soon to establish the influential Bauhaus school and go on to become one of the world's leading architects. It was shortly thereafter that her chance discovery of a moving poem led to a romance rarely paralleled in fact or fiction. The poem was by Franz Werfel and the transformation his words provoked was, in time, matched by a love affair and a marriage of equal intensity. (很少有女性能像這樣與名人有如此深入的連結。 1911 年馬勒去世四年後,她與沃爾特·格羅皮烏斯(Walter Gropius) 結婚,沃爾特·格羅皮烏斯(Walter Gropius) 很快就建立了頗具影響力的包浩斯學校,並後來成為世界領先的建築師之一。此後不久,她偶然發現了一首感人的詩,由此展開了一段現實或小說中罕見的浪漫故事。這首詩的作者是弗朗茲·韋費爾,他的詩句所引發的轉變最終也伴隨著同等強度的愛情和婚姻。) Alma Mahler Werfel's memoirs illuminate not only her fascinating marriages and the hitherto mysterious parts she palyed in the lives of other greatartists ; they also form an intimare picture of creative life in Vienna between the wars, and they tell the dramatic story of the dissolution of a rich culture. But, above all, this is the personal story of one woman's deep gift for living. (阿爾瑪·馬勒·沃菲爾的回憶錄不僅闡述了她迷人的婚姻,以及她在其他偉大藝術家的生活中扮演的迄今為止神秘的角色;它們也描繪了兩次世界大戰之間維也納創造性生活的親密畫面,講述了豐富文化瓦解的戲劇性故事。但最重要的是,這是一個關於一位女性深厚的生活天賦的個人故事。)


And the bridge is love : 1. Tradition's child ( P.3 ) -- 2. Genius in wedlock ( P.22 ) -- 3. Four seasons ( P.37 ) -- 4. Passion and refuge ( P.62 ) -- 5. Love ( P.88 ) -- 6. The diary of Franz Werfel ( P.102 ) -- 7. Revolution ( P.123 ) -- 8. Music heard so deeply ( P.146 ) -- 9. A house in Venice ( P.167 ) -- 10. For better or worse ( P.189 ) -- 11. The last years of Austria ( P.214 ) -- 12. Flight ( P.241 ) -- 13. Journey's end ( P.270 ) -- 14. And the bridge is love ( P.294 ) -- Index ( P.309 ) / Alma Mahler.
