

東尼獎五十週年紀念 = Tony Awards 50th Anniversary / 丹尼斯‧凡‧佩利斯(Denes Vav Parys)音樂指導; 約翰‧穆可拉(John Muclahy)樂手; 黛比‧葛維特(Debbie Gravitte), 喬治‧德渥斯基(George Dvorsky), 伊兒娜斯汀‧傑克森(Ernestine Jackson), 凱瑟琳‧昆蘭(Kathryn Quinlan), 艾爾‧明多尼克(Ayal Miodovnik), 艾爾‧明多尼克(Ayal Miodovni k), 凱撒‧沙蒙亞(Caesar Samoya), 羅蘭‧古德曼(Lorraine Goodman)歌唱. (Lorraine Goodman)歌唱.



5/5 PM2:30演出曲目: 百老匯搖籃曲 = Lullaby of Broadway.-- 百老匯小寶貝 = Broadway Baby.-- 如果我離開你 = If Ever I Would LeaveYou.-- 就不能可愛點嗎? = Wouldn't It Be Loverly?.-- 你住的那條街= On the Street Where You Live.-- 即將發生 = Something's Coming.-- 幸為女人 = Luck Be Lady.-- 花俏的賣點 = Gotta Have a Gimmick.-- 事事順利 = Everything's Coming Up.-- 酒店 = Cabaret.-- 就是爵士 = All That Jazz.-- 42街 = 42nd Street.-- 癡人大秀 = Follies.-- 鳳宮劫美錄 = Camelot.-- 窈窕淑女 = My Fair Lady.-- 西城故事 = West Side Story.-- 紅男綠女 = Guys and Dolls.-- 玫瑰舞后 = Roses Gypsy.-- 芝加哥 = Chicago.-- 維克人 = Wilkomen.-- 帶他回家 = Bring Him Home.-- 如夢一場 = I Dreamed a Dream .-- 愛的季節 = Seasons of Love.-- 今晚感覺我的愛 = Can You Feel the Love Tonight.-- 天公不作美 = Don't Rain on my Parade.-- 為什麼 神 為什麼 = Why God Why.-- 為你奉獻生命 = I'd Give My Life for You.-- 末日之愛 = Last Night of the World.-- 就是此時 = This is the Moment.-- 回憶 = Memory.-- 終曲 = One.-- 為了熱愛 = What I Did for Love.-- 莫洛塔尼先生 = Mr. Monotony.-- 寶瓶座 = Aquarius.-- 悲慘世界 = Les Miserables.-- 吉屋出租 = Rent.-- 獅子王 = Lion King.-- 妙女郎 = Funny Girl.-- 西頁小姐 = Miss Saigon.-- 變身怪醫 = Jekyll and Hyde.-- 貓 = Cats.-- 歌舞線上 = A Chorus Line.-- 傑洛米[303244]羅賓的百老匯之夜 = Jerome Robbin's Broadway.-- 毛髮 = Hair. 5/5pm7:30曲目: 音樂之聲 = The Sound of Music.-- 歌唱的大好夜晚 = It is a Grand Night for Songing.-- 馬車頂上的流蘇 = The Surrey With the Fringe on Top.-- 姐姐的悲歌 = Stepsister's Lament.-- 黑暗之吻 = We Kiss in a Shadow.-- 嗨! 年輕的戀人們 = Hello, Young Lovers.-- 戀上一個好男人 = I'm in Love with a Wonderful Guy.-- 再沒什麼比女人好 = There is Nothin Like a Dame.-- 無法拒絕 = I Cain't Say No.-- 瑪莉亞 = Maria.-- 假如我愛過你 = If I Loved You.-- 人們將會說我倆墜入情網 = People Will Say We're in Love.-- 小心肝 = Honey Bun.-- 男人的像鴉片 = The Gentleman is a Dope.-- 我心夢想 = I Have Dreamed.-- All at Once.-- 真善美 = The Sound of Music.-- 媚人的夜晚 = Some Enchanted Evening.-- 萬國博覽會 = State Fair.-- 奧克拉荷瑪 = Oklahoma!.-- 仙履奇緣 = Cinderala.-- 國王與我 = The King and I.-- 南太平洋 = South Pacific.-- 旋轉木馬 =Carousel.-- 快板 = Allegro.-- 喔!多美的早晨 = Oh What a Beautiful Morning.-- 也許是春天 = It Might As Well Be Spring.-- 比春天年輕 = Younger Than Springtime.-- 堪薩斯城 = Kansas City.-- 孩子們在睡夢中 = When the Children are Asleep.-- 即將十七歲 = I Am Sixteen Going on Seventeen .-- 獨白 = Soliloquy.-- 月光下的旅程 = Driving Through the Moonlight.-- 愉快的夜晚 = Lovely Night.-- 轉移目光 = Love, Look Away.-- 美好的事 = Something Wonderful.-- 即將得到卻又成空 = This Nearly Was Mine.-- 你將不會孤單 = You'll Never walk Alone.-- 別嫁給我 = Don't Marry Me.-- 我將徹底忘了他 = I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair.-- 最愛的事 = Favorite Things.-- 快樂的輕哨 = Favorite Things.-- 六月天, 美好的日子 = June is BustinOut All Over.-- 寂寞的牧羊人 = Lonely Goatherd.-- 奧克拉荷馬 = Oklahoma.-- 再見 = SoLong Farewell.-- 萬國博覽會 = State Fair.-- 南太平洋 = South Pacific.-- 真善美 = The Sound of Music.-- 仙履奇緣 = Ci
