The incredible jazz guitar.
- 作者: Montgomery, Wes, 1923-1968.
- 其他作者:
- Flanagan, Tommy, 1930-2001.
- Heath, Percy, 1923-2005.
- Heath, Albert, 1935-2024.
- Rollins, Sonny, 1930-
- Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964.
- Brubeck, Dave, 1920-2012.
- Rollins, Sonny, 1930- Airegin
- Montgomery, Wes, 1923-1968. D-Natural blues
- Van Heusen, Jimmy, 1913-1990. Polka dots and moonbeams
- Montgomery, Wes, 1923-1968. Four on six
- Montgomery, Wes, 1923-1968. West coast blues
- Brubeck, Dave, 1920-2012. In your own sweet way
- Montgomery, Wes, 1923-1968. Master walker
- Wrubel, Allie, 1905-1973. Gone with the wind
- Magidson, Herb, 1906-1986. Gone with the wind
- 其他題名:
- Incredible jazz guitar of Wes Montgomery
- 出版: Berkeley, CA : Riverside ℗♭1992.
- 叢書名: 企鵝爵士4星 , Original jazz classics
- 主題: Guitar music (Jazz) , Jazz--1951-1960.
- URL:
- 一般註:沈根福捐贈 Eds. recorded: Prestige Music, Dorsey Bros/ABC Music, Derry Music, Bourne. Previously issued as Riverside RLP-9320. Program notes by Orrin Keepnews, from original album (1 folded sheet), inserted in container.
- 製作群註:Produced by Orrin Keepnews.
- 演出者註:Wes Montgomery, guitar ; Tommy Flanagan, piano ; Percy Heath, bass ; Albert Heath, drums.
- 獎品註:企鵝爵士評鑑★★★★ -- All Music Guide to Jazz★★★★★
- 系統號: 005153928 | 機讀編目格式

摘自 博客來音樂館 網站 : 誠然,魏斯蒙哥馬利是個不可思議的吉他手,儘管五零年代後期他開始錄製自己的專輯唱片以後,很快地就被樂迷和評論界共尊為當時的首席爵士吉他手,絕大多數的樂手 ,在他們精彩複雜的獨奏段落中,經常都顯得全神貫注,竭盡心力,蒙哥馬利卻不一樣,再豐富的即興獨奏,他都會彈得像是在自家後院和朋友泡茶聊天,聽他演奏,眼前往往會浮現一個月趣的景象:舞台中心是興高采烈地輕鬆奏的蒙哥馬利,周圍是一群滿頭大汗勉力跟上的伴奏團員,台下則是一群下巴都合不攏的驚喜聽眾。《不可思議的爵士吉他!》是公認的蒙哥馬利代表作,堪稱革命性的作品,影響了後世眾多吉他手的觀念與演奏方式,鋼琴、鼓和貝斯的單純伴奏編制,讓蒙哥馬利的吉他得到最大的發揮空間,鋼琴手湯米佛蘭納根的表現也極為傑出。 Program notes by Orrin Keepnews, from original album (1 folded sheet), inserted in container.
Airegin / Sonny Rollins (4:26) -- D-natural blues / Wes Montgomery (5:23) -- Polka dots and moonbeams / Johnny Burke, Jimmy Van Heusen (4:44) -- Four on six / Wes Montgomery (6:15) -- West coast blues / Wes Montgomery (7:26) -- In your own sweet way / Dave Brubeck (4:53) -- Mister Walker / Wes Montgomery (4:33) -- Gone with the wind / Allie Wrubel, Herb Magidson (6:24).