

許常惠鋼琴樂展: 五月底讚歎/ 中華民國作曲家協會演出製作 ; 陳慧珍製作執行 ; 許常惠作曲 ; 陳澄雄指揮 ; 台北市立國樂團 ; 陳泰成, 黎國媛, 程彰, 卓依佳, 林煒傑演出



曲目 : 1.給兒童中國民謠鋼琴曲:可愛的太陽, 捉螃蟹, 牛犁歌, 打獵歌, 小小扁担擔鈎長, 落水天, 六月茉莉, 女娃尋哥, 盼五更, 數鴨蛋, 得得調, 紫竹調 / 林煒傑.-- 2.給少年的中國民謠鋼琴曲:拔蔥, 哈薩喀, 採茶捕蝶, 耕農歌, 其多利, 船夫歌, 情歌, 山歌, 白雲下雪白白羊群, 小白菜, 小河淌水, 陽關三疊 / 卓依佳.-- 3.人生插曲五首:相思情, 搖籃歌, 葬禮的行列, 情長紙短, 尋找 / 陳泰成.-- 4.賦格三章(有一天在夜李娜家):前奏與賦格, 幻想與賦格, 賦格與展技 / 程彰.-- 5.百家春(鋼琴與國樂團之協奏曲). Program : 1.Piano Pieces for Children, op.34:Lovely Sun, Catching Crabs, Ox-ploughing, Hunting Song, The Small Carrying-pole with Long Hooks, Rainy Days, Jasmine in June, Lad Looking for a Brother, Waiting for the Daybreak, Counting Duck's Eggs, The De-De Tune, The Purple-Bamboo Tune / Lin Wei-OBChieh.--- 2.Piano Pieces for Juvenile, OP.35:Pulling the Onion Stalk, The Cossak, Picking TEa Leaves and Catching Butterflies, The Farmer's Song, Qidouli, A Barcarolle, A Love Song, A Yodel, White Sheep Flock Under White Clouds, The Small Chinese Cabbage, A Small River Pool, The Three Folds Yangguan Pass / ChoI-Chia.-- 3."Five Episodes" for piano, opus 30:Romance, Cradle Song, Funeral Procession, More than the Letter Can Say, Seeking / Chen Tai-Cheng.-- 4."One Day at Helen's" ,three fugues for piano, opus 9:Prelude & fugue, Fantasia & fugue, Toccata & fugue / Chen Chang.-- 5."Spring for All", concerto for a piano & traditional Chinese orchestra, opus 36.
