Rosenkranz-Sonaten Mystery sonatas = Sonates du rosaire / Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber.
- 作者: Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz, 1644-1704.
- 其他作者:
- 其他題名:
- Sonatas,
- Mystery sonatas.
- Sonates du rosaire.
- Sonate del Rosario.
- 出版: Hamburg : Archiv Produktion p1991.
- 主題: Sonatas (Violin and continuo) , Passacaglias (Violin) , Mysteries of the Rosary--Songs and music.--Songs and music.
- URL:
- 一般註:Archiv Produktion: 431 656-2 (431 657-2--431 658-2) Fifteen sonatas based on the Mysteries of the Rosary, for violin and basso continuo; the final selection a passacaglia for solo violin. Title from container. Additional parallel title on container back: Le sonate del Rosario. Compact discs. Program notes by Reinhard Goebel, in English translation (12 p. : port.) laid in container.
- 演出者註:Reinhard Goebel, violin ; Musica Antiqua Koln (on authentic instruments).
- 系統號: 005038183 | 機讀編目格式

Disc 1 : Die Verkundigung = The Annunciation (4:40) -- Maria besuch bei Elisabeth = The Visitation (5:52) -- Christi Geburt = The Nativity (5:36) -- Christi darstellung im Tempel = The Presentation (7:41) -- Der zwolfjahrige Jesus im Tempel = The Finding in the temple (7:35) -- Christi Leiden am Olberg = The Agony in the garden (7:04) -- Die Geisselung = The Scourging of Jesus (8:37) -- Die Dornenkronung = The Crowning of Jesus with thorns (6:01) Disc 2 : Die Kreuztragung = Jesus carries his cross (5:46) -- Die Kreuzigung = The Crucifixion (8:11) -- Die Auferstehung = The Resurrection (6:27) -- Christi Himmelfahrt = The Ascension (7:38) -- Ausgiessung des Heiligen Geistes = The Descent of the Holy Ghost (7:00) -- Maria Himmelfahrt = The Assumption of Our Lady (8:04) -- Die Kronung der Jungfrau Maria = The Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary (9:44) -- Passacaglia (6:42)