

彌賽亞 = Messiah: George frideric Handel / Dr. Paul Traver客席指揮; 梁秀玲指揮; 孫婉玲鋼琴伴奏; 台北室內合唱團, 樂興之時演出; 陳麗芳女高音; 陳佩琪女中音; 楊磊男高音; 林宜誠男低音演出.



曲目: Sinfonia.-- Confort ye my people.-- Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.-- and the glory of the lord.-- Thus saith the lord.-- But who may abide the day of his coming.-- And he shall purify.-- Behold, a virgin shall conceive.-- O thou that tellest good tidings to zion.-- For unto us a child is born.-- Pifa.-- There were shepherds abiding in the field.-- And lo, the angel of the lord came upon them.-- And the angel said unto them.-- And suddenly ther was with the angel.-- Golry to god.-- Rejoice greatly, O daughter of zion.-- Then shall the eyes of the blind.-- He shall feed his flock.-- His yoke is easy, and his burthen is light.-- Behold the lamb of god.-- He was despised.-- Surely, he hath borne our gridfs.-- And with his stripes we are healed.-- All we like sheep have gone astray.-- He was cut off out of the land of living.-- But thou didst not leave his soul in hell.-- Hallelujah.-- I know that my redeemer liveth.-- Since by man came death.-- Behold, I tell you a mystery.-- The trumpet shall sound.-- Worthy is the lamd... Amen.
