

The art of the Netherlanders. [Translation by Robert Kolben]



Alleluia from the "Missa Sti Jacobi" ; Hymn "Aurea luce et decore roseo" / G. Dufay -- Chanson "Jamais tant que je vous revoye" / Gilles Binchois -- Chanson "Io sum tuo servo" / Hugo de Lantins -- Kyrie from the "Missa Caput" / Joh. Ockeghem -- Chanson "De tous biens plaine" / Hayne van Ghiseghem -- Agnus Dei from the Mass "Beata Viscera" ; Chanson "Den haghel ende die calde snee" / Jacbo Obrecht -- Sanctus from the "Missa sine Nomine" ; Motet "Homo quidam fecit coenam magnam" / Josquin des Prez -- Motet "Ave Sanctissima Maria" ; Sanctus from the Mass "Ave Sanctissima Maria" / Pierre de la Rue -- Introitus in Festo Annuntiationis B. Mariae Virginis ; Carnival song "Donna di dentro di tua casa" / Hwinrich Isaac -- Motet "Virgo Maria non est tibi similis" / Gaspar van Weerbeke -- Credo from the "Missa Ego sum qui sum" / Lupus Hellinck -- Motet "Salvator noster dilectissimi" / Jacobus Clemens non Papa -- Motet "Virgo Sancta Katherina" ; Chanson "Plus oultre" arr. for 2 lutes / Nicolas Gombert -- Kyrie from the Mass "Mijn Liefkens bruyn Oghen" / Noel Bauldewijn -- Motet "Tota pulchra es" / Adriaen Willaert -- Gloria from the "Missa a note Nere" ; Madrigal "Ancor che col partire" / Cypriano de Rore -- Madrigal "Divini Occhi" / Philippe Verdelot -- /Chanson "Noch weet ich een schoen ioffrau fijn" ; Arr. for lute of the preceding song / Nicolas Liegeois -- Ricercar Segondo a 4 Voci (Libro I 1547) / Jacob Buus -- Organ tablature of the Motet "Intravit Jesus in quoddam Castellum" / Jacobus de Werth.
