

American ragtime and music hall piano music



Printable scanned images of more than 850 pages of public-domain music.


Dat lovin' rag (two step) / Bernard Adler -- Keystone rag / Willie Anderson -- Nola (a silhouette for the piano) / Felix Arndt -- Dusty (rag) -- Thrilier, the (rag) / May Aufderheide -- Worlds fair rag / Harvey M. Babcock -- Blue streak (rag fox trot) -- Rufenreddy / Roy Bargy -- Cyclone in darktown, a just rags / George D. Barnard -- Just like fats -- Sara's song -- Evanesque -- Stride time -- Just a song for me -- Invention in F -- Shadowy dance -- Freckleface -- Romantic etude -- Nissa's song / Wayne Baxley -- Chevy chase, the (fox trot) -- Fizz water (trot and one step) / Eubie Blake -- Smoky topaz (march and two step) / Grace Bolen -- Chatterbox rag -- Grizzly bear, the (rag) / George Botsford -- 12th street rag / Euday L. Bownman -- Policy king (two step) / Charles B. Brown -- Rag Alley Dream / Mattie Harl Burgess -- Mazie king midnight trot, the -- Rabbit's foot (fox trot) -- Russian rag (interpolating the world famous prelude by Rachmaninoff) / George L. Cobb -- Coaxing the piano -- Greenwich witch -- Kitten on the keys -- My pet -- Poor buttermilk -- You tell 'em ivories / Zez Confrey. Shovel fish, the (rag) -- Silvers (eccentric rag) / Harry L. Cook -- Cruel papa (fox trot) / Will Marion Cook -- Eatin'-time rag / Irene Cozad -- Fluffy-ruffles (two step) / Duane Crabb -- Oh! you devil (rag) / Ford C. Dabney -- Possum rag / Geraldine Dobyns -- Castle, the (Doggy fox trot) / James Reese Europe -- Sweet pickles (characteristic two step) / George Florence (aka/Theron C, Bennet) -- Blackville society (cakewalk and two step) / Bernard Franklin -- Chicken chowder (characteristic two step) / Irene Giblin -- Jinx rag (arranged by Artie Matthews) / L. P. Gibson -- Red peppers (two step) / Imogene Giles -- Aeroplane, the (ragtime two step) / Jack Glogau -- "Cleanin' up" in Georgia (cakewalk patrol or two step) / Harry P. Guy -- Amazon rag, the / Teddy Hahn -- Queen raglan (cakewalk and two step) / A. E. Henrich -- Rag medley -- Ragtown rags / Max Hoffman -- Dingy slow down, a -- I'm Alabama bound (ragtime two step) / Robert Hoffman -- Who let the cows out? (a bully rag) / Charles Humfeld -- Just ask me (a ragtime two step) -- Why we smile (rag) / Charles Hunter -- Poison ivy / Herbert Ingraham -- Lion tamer (syncopated fantasia) / Mark Janza -- Bantam step (fox trot or one step) / Harry Jentes -- Dill pickles (rag and two step) -- Doc Brown's cakewalk (the original Kansas City rag) / Charles L. Johnson. Antoinette (march and two step) -- Augustan club waltz -- Bethena (a concert waltz) -- Bink's waltz -- Breeze from Alabama, a (march and two step) -- Cascades, the -- Chrysanthemum, the (an Afro-American intermezzo) -- Cleopha (march and two step) -- Combination march -- Country club (ragtime two step) -- Easy winners, the (a ragtime two step) -- Elite sincopations -- Entertainer, the (a ragtime two step) -- Eugenia -- Euphonic sounds (a syncopated two step) -- Favorite, the (a ragtime two step) -- Fig leaf rag ( a high class rag) -- Gladiolus rag -- Great crush collision (march) -- Harmony club waltz -- Leola (two step) -- Magnetic rag -- Maple leaf rag -- March majestic (march and two step) -- Nonpareil, the (a rag and two step) -- Original rags -- Palm leaf rag -- paragon rag -- Peacherine rag -- Pineapple rag -- Pleasant moments (ragtime waltz) -- Ragtime dance, the (a stop-time two step) -- Reflection rag (syncopated musings) -- Rose leaf rag (a ragtime two step) -- Rosebud (two step) -- School of ragtime -- Scott Joplin's new rag -- Searchlight rag -- Solace (a mexican serenade) -- Stoptime rag -- Strenuous life, the (a ragtime two step) -- Sugar cane (a ragtime two step) -- Sun flower slow drag (ragtime two step) -- Sycamore, the (a concert rag) -- Wall street rag -- Weeping willow (a ragtime two step) / Scott Joplin. Heliotrope bouquet (a slow drag two step) / Scott Joplin, Louis Chauvin -- Felicity rag (ragtime two step) -- Kismet rag -- Something doing (a ragtime two step) / Scott Joplin, Scott Hayden -- Lily queen (a rag and two step) -- Swipesy (cake walk) / Scott Joplin, Arthur Marshall -- Nappy Lee (a slow drag) -- That teasin' rag (rag and two step) / Joe Jordan -- Muslin rag (one step) / Mel B. Kaufman -- Knockout drops (rag) / F. Henri Klickmann -- Shake yo' dusters (piccaninny rag two step) / W. H. Krell -- Tiger rag (one step) / D. J. La Rocca -- American beauty rag -- Bohemia (a rag) -- Champagne rag -- Ethiopia rag -- Excelsior (a rag) -- Nightingale rag -- Patricia rag -- Reindeer (ragtime two step) -- Sensation (a rag arranged by Scott Joplin) / Joseph Lamb -- Creole belles (ragtime march) -- Dixie girl (characteristic march and two step) / J. Bodewalt Lampe -- Haunting rag -- Hungarian rag -- Operatic rag -- That Madrid rag / Julius Lenzberg -- Temptation rag / Henry Lodge -- Spaghetti rag / Lyons and Yosco -- On easy street (characteristic march and two step) / J. Reginald MacEachron -- I got the blues (characteristic ragtime two step) / A. Maggio -- Ham and (Eggs) : a ragtime two step -- Kinklets (two step) -- Peach, the (a ragtime two step) -- Pippin, the (a sentimental rag) / Arthur Marshall. Pastime rag / Matthews Artie -- Rags to burn / Frank X. McFadden -- At a Georgia campmeeting : two step, march or polka -- Kerry Mills ragtime dance (two step or march) -- Rastus on parade (two step or march) -- Whistling rufus (two step, march or polka) / Kerry Mills -- Sour grapes (rag) / Will B. Morrison -- Trouble (rag) / Will B. Morrison, C. D. Crabb -- Horseshoe rag / Julia Lee Niebergall -- Cannon ball (two step) / Joseph Northup -- Levee revels (an Afro-American cane hop) / William Christopher O'Hare -- Funny folks (ragtime march and two step) / W. C. Powell -- Colonial glide / Paul Pratt -- Foot-warmer, the (one step or two step) / Harry Puck -- Entertainer's rag, the / Jay Roberts -- Junk man rag, the -- Palm beach (fox trot) -- Pork and beans (one step or two step trot) -- Shy and sly (fox trot) / C. Luckyth ("Lucky") Roberts -- Pride of bucktown, the (ragtime march) / Roberts S. Roberts -- Walkin' on de rainbow road (march, cakewalk and two step) / S. M. Roberts -- Sapho rag / J. Russell Robinson -- Eight O'clock rush, the (rag) / Bess E. Rudisill -- Too much raspberry (fox trot) / Sydney K. Russell -- Sleepy Sidney (ragtime two step) / Archie W. Scheu -- Dusky dudes (cakewalk) -- Whitewash man, the (march and two step) / Jean Schwartz -- Broadway rag -- Dixie dimples (novelty rag or foxtrot) -- Don't jazz me - rag I'm music -- Efficiency rag -- Evergreen rag -- Fascinator, the (march and two step) -- Frog legs rag -- Grace and beauty (a classy rag) -- Great Scott rag -- Hilarity rag -- Kansas City rag -- Modesty rag (a classic) -- New era rag (dance) -- On the pike (march and two step) -- Ophelia rag -- Paramount rag -- Peace and plenty (rag) -- Pegasus, the -- Princess rag -- Rag sentimental -- Ragtime betty -- Ragtime Oriole -- Summer breeze, a , march and two step -- Sunburst rag -- Troubadour rag -- Victory rag / James Scott. Jungle time (a genuine rag) / E. Philip Severin -- Holy moses (rag) -- Panama rag / Cy Seymour -- Lumb'rin' Luke (cakewalk and two step) / J. A. Silberberg -- That hand played rag / Silverman and Ward -- Sponge / W. C. Simon -- Campin' on de ole suwanee (march, two step, polka or cakewalk) / Lee Orean Smith -- Ballin' the Jack (fox trot) / Chris Smith, James Reese Europe -- Wild cherries (rag) / Ted Snyder -- Billiken rag -- Gum shoe fox trot -- Trombone Johnson (ragtime cakewalk) / E. J. Stark -- Silks and rags (waltzes) / Fred S. Stone -- Calla lily rag / Logan Thane (Nat E. Solomons) -- Lily rag, the / Charles Thompson -- Bumble bee rag / Harry A. Tierney -- Buffalo rag, the -- Ragtime nightmare (arr. D. S. De Lisle) -- St. Louis rag, the -- Bowery buck, ragtime two step (arr. D. S. De Lisle) -- Harlem rag. two step (arr. D. S. De Lisle) / Tom Turpin -- Carolina fox trot / Will Vodery -- Cubanola glide, the / Harry Von Tilzer -- Ashy Africa (an African rag) -- Dixie blossom (march and two step) -- Peaches and cream (a delectable rag) -- Smile, the -- Whipped cream rag / Percy Wenrich -- Original Chicago blues, the / James White -- Slippery elm rag / Clarence Woods -- Troubille canter (fox trot) / Hughe Woolford -- Mashed potatos -- Medic rag (ragtime two step) / C. L. Woolsey.

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