

Dancing on the Edge of Success


Margaret Jenkins, Artistic Director of the Margaret Jenkins Dance Company, is one of the most respected choreographers in America having been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, an Irvine Fellowship, the San Francisco Arts Commission Award of Honor, and two Isadora Duncan Awards. She studied at the Juilliard School of Music in New York with Jose Limon and Martha Graham, toured extensively with Twyla Tharp and Sara Rudner, and through her company has continued to teach and mentor for over 30 years. In this digitally re-mastered interview, we get the rare opportunity to look back at this acclaimed professional's influences and experiences in the early days of modern dance in New York, the joys and difficulties of building her own company in San Francisco; also we get a look at her dancers as they rehearse and develop a collaborative piece with Yoko Ono.


Dancer/choreorgrapher Margaret Jenkins discusses her sources and influences, the early days of her company, and the joys and difficulties of keeping San Francisco's premier modern dance troup alive and well. Also looks at her dance company as they rehearse and develop and collaborative piece with Yoko Ono. 現代舞編舞家 Margaret Jenkins 專訪, 包括如何營運舊金山現代舞團和與小野洋子的合作
